Member for
12 years 5 monthsHome: Union, South Carolina
Family: (wife) Becky, (son) Michael
Hobbies: hunt, fish and play sports
Rifle / Bow: Rifle, Shotgun, Muzzle loader, Crossbow and Bow
Hunting Stuff
Years Hunting: Been hunting 37 years
Favorite Technique: Run and gun wild turkeys and still hunt whitetail deer
Hunting Strength: Being patient in the woods. I let things happen as they normally would
Favorite Game to Hunt: Turkey
Favorite Hunting Gear: Redhead clothing in Realtree AP always
Favorite Places to Hunt: South Carolina but make a trip to hunt whitetails in Ohio every fall
Favorite Season to Hunt: Turkey season
Favorite Time to Hunt: Daylight until around lunch time
Favorite Way to Hunt: Deer would be early morning in a climbing stand watching the sun come up. Wild Turkey would be early morning, hear him gobble, get close as you can the set-up.
Career Highlights
Biggest Kill: I have killed several eastern turkeys with spurs 1 1/2 inches long. Those were pretty old turkeys for South Carolina.
Greatest Hunting Achievement: Taking handicapped individuals hunting.
Favorite Hunting Moment: I would have been with my son when he killed his first deer.
- 7 Time South Carolina State Turkey Calling Champion
- 75+ Calling competitions – won or placed
- Very active with NWTF JAKES events, Women in the outdoors and Wheel-In sportsman evens
- Currently on NWTF State Board in South Carolina
- Speaker for numerous NWTF diamond life events all over the country