
News & Tips: How to Catch a Tarpon on a Fly Rod

How to Catch a Tarpon on a Fly Rod

If you like relaxing, laid-back fishing, here’s a warning: don’t go after tarpon with a fly rod. But if you like your sport physical and demanding, this is it! With a determined attitude and…
News & Tips: Tips for Your First Florida Tarpon

Tips for Your First Florida Tarpon

Tarpon fishing is rarely easy, but persistence and the right gear can lead to a gill-rattling, 6-foot silver king busting through the surface on the end of your line.  Even the threat of that…
During challenging conditions, cut bait can often be the key that brings trophy tarpon to hand....

Tarpon Tactics: Cut Bait for the Silver King

No doubt you’ve seen tarpon paired with fly fishing or bottom jigging efforts. There will certainly be times, however, based on the mood of the fish, the weather conditions, and the angler’s…
News & Tips: 3 Great Tarpon Lures and How to Fish Them...

3 Great Tarpon Lures and How to Fish Them

Any lure specialist who pursues the Silver King should remember these key facts. Have sharp, strong saltwater hooks. Tarpon have huge, hard, suction-creating mouths as their feeding tool. This means…
News & Tips: Travel Blog: Fishing Small Tarpon in Campeche, Mexico...

Travel Blog: Fishing Small Tarpon in Campeche, Mexico

Campeche, Mexico, has some great tarpon fishing. Here's what you need to know about traveling and fishing in this tourist destination. Firstly, all of the reputed bad press about cartels and criminal…
News & Tips: Light Tackle Tarpon Tactics

Light Tackle Tarpon Tactics

My release/hookup-to-strike ratio remains fairly high, compared to the fabled averages. This is based on fishing for the Silver King since the 60s and my angling for them continues at full bore. It's…
News & Tips: Travel: Downtown Miami Tarpon

Travel: Downtown Miami Tarpon

Although travelers worldwide know of Miami as a tourist Mecca, very few among them are aware that the magic city boasts a year-round fishery for tarpon. Many of the fish can top one hundred pounds,…
News & Tips: Cut Baiting for Tarpon

Cut Baiting for Tarpon

The international range of tarpon (megalops atlanticus) stretches from West Africa to the southeastern USA, Gulf of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America. In those locales…
News & Tips: Travel: Puerto Rico's Fabulous Tarpon

Travel: Puerto Rico's Fabulous Tarpon

My journey in the sleek silvery jet from Miami was nearing completion. The pilot announced that he'd begun our descent, which would take us over Old San Juan and the lakes that surrounded the airport…
News & Tips: Travel Blog: Tips For Light Tackle Tarpon Travel...

Travel Blog: Tips For Light Tackle Tarpon Travel

My strike/hookup/release ratio on the silver king remains fairly high, compared to the fabled averages and there's been based on lots of years of traveling to different tarpon destinations and trying…
News & Tips: Tarpon Fishing, Part 2 of 2

Tarpon Fishing, Part 2 of 2

When we last saw the fisherman, he had just started his fight with the tarpon ... Meanwhile, the fisherman hangs on -- literally -- trying to gain some line back. He hears applause from the heavens…
News & Tips: Tarpon Fishing, Part 1 of 2

Tarpon Fishing, Part 1 of 2

Not for everyone … or the weak at heart … or weak, in general. Tarpon fishing is for the serious fishing person, dedicated to the sport of fishing -- not embarking on the quest of a trophy that…