
Bass Fishing

What Is Finesse Fishing?

First of all, let's start by defining what finesse fishing is. There is a lot of debate around what exactly finesse fishing is, and while this won't be the definitive definition, it helps to…
Kayak angler catches  largemouth bass

Unlocking the Secrets of the 3 Rod Bass Fishing System: Elevate Your Angling Skills

Introduction to the 3 Rod Bass Fishing System The 3 Rod Bass Fishing System is a dynamic approach to bass fishing that allows anglers to adapt quickly to changing conditions and behaviors.…
Ice Auger

Ice Fishing 101: Beginner Tips and Essential Equipment for a Memorable Adventure

Winter is approaching, which means it is almost time for one of our absolute favorite pastimes: ice fishing! Ice fishing is a fantastic way to get outdoors and enjoy the incredible beauty of nature.…
bass jumping out of water on fishing line

Fall Bass Fishing: Choosing Crankbait Colors

Among the many options available to anglers, fishing crankbaits during the fall is almost always a good choice. Bass begin feeding on shad and small baitfish and crankbaits are excellent at imitating…
Father and Son with fish

Take A Kid Fishing, You’ll Be Glad That You Did

“Take a kid fishing, you’ll be glad that you did.” This Johnny Morris quote appears in a variety of places. You’ll find it in Bass Pro Shops catalogs, on our website and in a number of other…
Bass Pro Shops: A Force for Fishing and Conservation

Bass Pro Shops: A Force for Fishing and Conservation

For more than 50 years, Bass Pro Shops has been committed to making the great outdoors accessible to families across North America. While this commitment takes many forms—combining value and service…
angler sitting in fishing chair holding rod

Texas Swordfish Breakdown

The uninitiated or the landlocked might be surprised to learn that Texas is inhabited by dinosaurs. Equipped with long, sharp-edged bills and prominent, angular fins that protrude from every side of…
Lowrance fishfinder set up on boat

Lowrance ActiveTarget 2: Walk Through, Pro Tips and Running Multiple Live Sonars at the Same Time

Introducing the new ActiveTarget 2 live sonar from Lowrance. Following up on the popularity of ActiveTarget 1, this marine electronics system offers a number of advantages and improvements: The…
Fisherman holding the big fish belt

The 2023 U.S. Open Championship: The Biggest Night in Bowfishing

The U.S. Open Bowfishing Championship is the pinnacle of one of the fastest growing activities in the outdoor space. To those passionate about bowfishing, it represents much more. The U.S. Open is a…
fishermen in nitro boat pulling in walleye

Walleye Fishing Fundamentals

Walleye fishing is part of the fabric of communities across the Great Plains and Midwest. Catching these fish requires an understanding of temperature and its effects on where fish move and how they…

How to Catch More Walleye on Jigs and Crankbaits: Dale Stroschein

Walleye world record holder and Bass Pro Shops Pro Staff Angler Dale Stroschein breaks down his tips to catching more walleye on crankbaits and jigs. It’s all about paying attention to detail and…
4 Fishermen fishing Alaska

Alaska Fishing is for Fun so Plan Your Trip in Easy Steps

You won’t find better fishing in North America than that in Alaska. Not only are there more fish, but also there is more fishing opportunity and more variety in the types of fish than you’ll find…