Upland Hunting

Upland Bird: Copyright Denver Bryan/Images on the Wildside 2016...

Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Upland Game Birds?

The upland bird hunting seasons begin across the country. The shooting is exciting, the bird dogs are entertaining, and the birds are much tastier and easier to prepare than waterfowl. Are you ready…
News & Tips: 5 Tips to Prepare Yourself for Upland Hunting Season...

5 Tips to Prepare Yourself for Upland Hunting Season

The flip of the calendar to August is a reminder that fall is near. If you're a upland hunter like me, now's the time to get ready for the season. Here are some tips: Get the body ready. In many…
News & Tips: Spring Wood Duck Box Maintenance Tips

Wood Duck Nesting Box Spring Maintenance Tips

Especially in the southeastern states, the wood duck plays an important role as one of the top ducks in the hunter's bag. The federal limit per day per hunter for wood ducks was raised from two…
News & Tips: West Virginia Woodcock Hunting

West Virginia Woodcock Hunting

You can hunt woodcock in West Virginia with or without a canine. When I was growing up most hunters in my neighboring state of West Virginia didn’t know a woodcock from a woodchuck. Recently, though…
News & Tips: Thrill of Finding New Woodcock Cover

Thrill of Finding New Woodcock Cover

Among the many joys of hunting upland birds is the chance, necessity really, to seek out new covers. While it's admittedly special to revisit old spots — ones well-seasoned with memories of past…
News & Tips: Five Wingshooting Tips for Bird Hunting Success...

Five Wingshooting Tips for Bird Hunting Success

Far too few gunners spend appropriate amounts of time practice shooting their shotgun mimicking actual hunting conditions. Don't think that wingshooting is much like riding a bicycle: once you learn…
News & Tips: 6 Tips for Successfully Locating Downed Birds...

6 Tips for Successfully Locating Downed Birds

Every bird hunter dreams of the perfect day afield with crisp, cool fall mornings and antsy dogs anxious to wind that first bird of the new season. Picture perfect points, flushes, shots and…
Bird hunter in the field

Hunting Birds of Autumn

Autumn is that all too short season between late summer and fall. Dear to the hearts of shotgunners, autumn is a magical time in the field. It is a time of harvest for farmers and hunters alike.…