Outdoor Gear

Rainwear inside a retail store

Rain Gear Buyer's Guide

From the beginning, the challenge for rain gear manufacturers has been keeping the rain out without holding body heat in. Cabela's Rain Swept JacketA search for the perfect solution to your rainwear…

Cooler Buyer's Guide

The Right Cooler Keeps Food & Drinks Cold For Days The modern cooler looks and performs much differently than the most popular models from a decade ago. They keep contents colder for longer…
News & Tips: Top 25 Bass Pro Shops Catalog Gift Ideas Friends & Family Will Love...

Top 25 Bass Pro Shops Gift Ideas Your Friends & Family Will Love

We know what you’re experiencing right now. It’s beginning to feel a lot like stress. It’s the stress of not knowing what to get your family members and friends for the holidays, which are coming up…
Christmas tree with lights and gifts

Gift Ideas for Outdoor Friends and Family

You can tell it’s close to the holiday season when certain family members keep mentioning things are “cute” or “awesome” or other words that indicate the item they are talking about is certainly…

Winter Boots Buyer's Guide

Winter means different things in different parts of the country. Considering it might dump 24" of snow overnight in the Rockies, pour 2" of rain in 24 hours in the Pacific Northwest or send the…
men wearing work boots

Work Boots Buyer's Guide

Choosing the right  work and duty boots is a choice that can mean the difference between enjoying your work or being miserable. In some lines of work it could even mean the difference between safety…
News & Tips: Porro Prism or Roof Prism Binoculars: What is the Difference?...

Porro Prism or Roof Prism Binoculars: What is the Difference?

The selection of quality binoculars available at reasonable prices has never been greater. When shopping for a new set, you may notice that all are either referred to as Porro prism or roof prism.…
hunter using binoculars

How to Adjust Diopter Settings on Your Binoculars (infographic)

Whether you spend little money, medium money, or big money on binoculars, they will only perform as well as you know how to use them.  If binoculars are to provide all-day comfort and critical fine…

Campsite Games for Groups

Maximize the fun on your next outdoor adventure with these great campsite games. While there is certainly plenty to keep you occupied in the great outdoors, it doesn't hurt to take along a few games…

Ascend Hoodoo 20°F Mummy Sleeping Bag

I knew that I made the right decision, as I laid there warm and surrounded by deposits of small white ice crystals that neighbored my makeshift bed watching the cloud of my crisp breath fade away.…

Western Boots Buyer's Guide

Whether you're after a pair of no-nonsense work boots or something casual for everyday excursions, this guide will help you find the perfect pair of Western boots. Anatomy   Fit Snug instep The…

Handheld GPS Buyer's Guide and Tips

With rocket-science terminology and ambiguous acronyms, potential GPS buyers may find it’s easier to find their way out of the mountains without a GPS than it is to purchase one. Although there are…