Shooting Gear

Rifle on display with high powered scopes and other optics.

Rifle Scope Buyer’s Guide

When it comes to precision hunting, few tools are as crucial as a rifle scope. These advanced telescopic sights, often simply called rifle scopes, have evolved significantly since their early use…
Shooter wearing hearing production

Caldwell E-MAX : Don't Risk Your Hearing Shooting a Gun

You Only Get One Set of Ears, So Make Sure You’re Protecting Them on the Range & In the Field The Caldwell E-MAX family of hearing protection includes Bluetooth, Electronic, and Passive options…
Placing gun into a bedside handgun vault

Best Ways to Store Your Guns at Home & In Your Vehicle

Gun security at home and on the go is a matter of choosing the right gear and knowing how to use it. Securing your guns – at home and when you’re traveling – isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity. There…

Laser Boresight Buyer's Guide

Simplify the sighting-in process with a laser boresighter Science fiction writers conjure up a lot of exotic weapons using laser beams that capture our imagination, but engineers with a more…
News & Tips: How to Select the Best Shooting Glasses for You (infographic)...

How to Select the Best Shooting Glasses for You (infographic)

No matter what type of shooting sports you enjoy – rifle, pistol, action, 3-gun, trap, skeet, sporting clays, hunting – eye and ear protection are mandatory. If you’ll be firing a gun or even be…
News & Tips: 5 Basic Tips to Get You Started in Reloading Your Own Ammo (video)...

5 Basic Tips to Get You Started in Reloading Your Own Ammo (video)

If you are a shooter or hunter considering getting started in handloading ammo or just looking to save a little cash on ammunition, here are some basic tips to expand your reloading knowledge.  …
Shooter at shooting range wearing shooting glasses

Why You Should Wear Shooting Glasses

It is just about automatic for shooters to don both eye and ear protection before embarking on a session at the rifle range or skeet/trap field; in fact, it's mandated at organized shooting…
News & Tips: Rings and Bases Buying Guide

Rings and Bases Buying Guide

Most hunters and shooters today realize the benefit of quality optics atop their firearms and take care in choosing just the right scope. But even the finest glass that money can buy is still only as…
News & Tips: Glass Bedding a Rifle

Glass Bedding a Rifle

Glass bedding a rifle conjures up all kinds of images — from slapping thick peanut-butter-like glue into a stock to dabbing a bit of glass to reinforce the recoil lug area. Which is correct? That…
Rifle and rifle scope

Product Review: .300 Winchester Magnum Bullet

When I get around other hunters and the discussion of caliber choice arises, it seems everyone has their own opinion on the best all-around caliber. Browning BXC Centerfire Rifle AmmoThe 30-06 always…