
Nice bluegill

Summer Bluegills in The North

Summer brings long days and ample opportunity to fish 7 days a week, and one of the most popular species in the upper Midwest is bluegill. They are not tough to find and catch in numbers, but the big…
Several soft plastic panfish lures

Fishing With Soft Plastics for Panfish

By Dan Johnson Supple, scented soft plastics designed for ice-fishing catch fish all year long. Many Northern panfish anglers fish supple plastic softbaits through the ice during winter. Tip: Shop…

How To Target And Catch Summer Perch

Early in the spring, anglers often catch perch in shallow water less than 10 feet deep. However, as spring turns into summer, the shallow-water action for these little panfish tapers off. In order…
News & Tips: 3 Tips for Catching More Bluegill

3 Tips for Catching More Bluegill

Worms, crickets, and other live bait will always catch bluegill, but if you want to catch more bluegill, switch to jigs. Bug-like jigs are great lure imitations, and tiny is better than big. Tiny…
News & Tips: The 5 Best Lures for Big Bluegills

The 5 Best Lures for Big Bluegills

For pure fishing fun, it’s hard to top scrappy bluegills. At a young age, many of us discovered the thrill of having them pull our bobber into the depths.  More experienced anglers may begin to curse…
News & Tips: 3 Reasons to Fish Fast for Panfish

3 Reasons to Fish Fast for Panfish

While there is a time and place for slow presentations for panfish, I'm here to tell you that fishing fast is a great way to catch more and bigger sunfish, crappie and yellow perch. Reason 1: It…
News & Tips: Panfish: Strike Indicators & Wet Fly Rigs That Work...

Panfish: Strike Indicators & Wet Fly Rigs That Work

Every now and then I get the urge to catch a mess of panfish for a fish fry. Where I live that generally means rock bass, which are in abundance. In fact, they’re common enough to be considered a…
News & Tips: 5 Easy Ways to Make the Most of Summer Bluegill Fishing...

5 Easy Ways to Make the Most of Summer Bluegill Fishing

Outdoor types consider bluegill fishing as American as apple pie and baseball. Many anglers had their passion fired by first catching the ubiquitous bluegill, the most striking member of the sunfish…
News & Tips: 10 Proven Tactics to Score More Summer Panfish...

10 Proven Tactics to Score More Summer Panfish

No fish are more appealing to go after on a hot summer day than panfish. Unlike bass, trout and stripers, which can sometimes be difficult to catch, species like crappies, bluegills and white bass…
News & Tips: Reelfoot Lake in Tennessee is Panfish Paradise for Anglers...

Reelfoot Lake in Tennessee is Panfish Paradise for Anglers

When a violent earthquake struck the Mississippi River valley during the bitter cold winter of 1811, aftershocks rumbled throughout a 2,000-square-mile area for months. Forty-five square miles of the…
News & Tips: The How, What, When and Where of Fly Fishing for Bluegill...

The How, What, When and Where of Fly Fishing for Bluegill

Fly fishing is the first love of many die hard anglers. Few things match the inspirational feeling of loading a rod up and shooting a line 40 feet across a cold, clear trout stream. Equally inspiring…
News & Tips: How to Score Early Summer Panfish With Underspin Jigs...

How to Score Early Summer Panfish With Underspin Jigs

Summer's arrival will bring more than just warmer water temperatures. By now submerged weeds will be developed enough to serve as a significant draw to not only larger gamefish, but panfish as well.…