Survival Information

first aid kit

Be Prepared for Anything: What You Need in Your Survival Kit

*/ When it comes to being prepared for emergency situations, having the right gear and equipment for emergencies can make a world of difference. Whether you’re facing hurricanes, tornadoes, fires,…
Camping at Cob Ridge

The Low-Down on Camping First Aid

Camping can be a fun and adventurous activity, but it's important to be prepared for any potential injuries or emergencies that may arise. In this article, we will discuss essential first aid…

Essentials of a Camping First Aid Kit

When getting ready for an epic outdoor adventure, it is easy to disregard the first-aid kit. We know testing your GoPro is more exciting than bandages and ointment, but it will not save your life in…

Camping At High Altitude

Preparing for a mountain camping trip, even in summer, requires careful consideration. Afternoon squalls are common in the Rocky Mountains as well as in the Sierra Nevada, and can bring rain, hail,…

How To Survive The Woods

You can be thrown into a survival situation when you least expect it. And because it is impossible to know when you might experience such a thing, it is vital you prepare before you set out on your…
News & Tips: These Tips Could Save Your Life: Lightning Safety in the Outdoors...

These Tips Could Save Your Life: Lightning Safety in the Outdoors

When temperatures rise outside, so do the number of people enjoying the outdoors. But the beauty of nature can also bring harm. And while spring may produce storms and rain, the summer is actually…
Guide to dressing for warmth

50 Campfires Answers 6 Common Questions About Dressing for Cold Weather

While it seems like dressing in layers for cold weather is a simple process, each year people ask the same questions. Do I really lose more heat from my head? How exactly does wind chill affect me?…
News & Tips: Hunting for Survival in the Real World (video)...

Hunting for Survival in the Real World (video)

by J. Wayne Fears:   Before we get started on survival hunting tactics, there’s something you need to know. In all of North America, if you get lost in the woods—by whatever happenstance—it’s nearly…
News & Tips: Survive a Fall Into Freezing Water

Survive a Fall Into Freezing Water

It happened so quickly. The sudden plunge took your breath away. You lost your footing in the trout stream, ventured over a section of thin ice, or leaned out a little too far to snag the last duck…
News & Tips: 3 Surefire Ways to Filter and Purify Water When in the Wilderness...

3 Surefire Ways to Filter and Purify Water When in the Wilderness

“The Bloodletting on the Bloodvein.” That’s what my Canadian wilderness adventure pals dubbed our fishing and paddling excursion along the Bloodvein River in Ontario and Manitoba. We’d anticipated…
News & Tips: Improve Skills With 10 Top Wilderness Survival Schools...

Improve Skills With 10 Top Wilderness Survival Schools

You’re ready to improve your outdoor survival skills. A quick Google search brings up dozens of survival school options in the United States. But how do you evaluate a school or course and choose one…
News & Tips: 9 Ways to Use a Knife for Survival

9 Ways to Use a Knife for Survival

A knife is widely regarded as the single most important survival tool for those who venture into the wilderness. It can obviously cut things — an important task in the woods — but with a little know-…