Member for
12 years 5 monthsHome: Puryear, Tenessee
Family: (husband) Barney, (daughters) Melissa & Scarlet
Hobbies: Hourseback riding / training. Farming for wildlife. Gardening / Flowers
Rifle/Bow: Rifle: All legal methods
Years Been Hunting: 50 years plus
Hunting Strength: The woodsmanship skills and knowledge I learned as a kid have always been my ace-in-the-hole. Paired with my above average shooting skills with bow and firearms, these skills have been key to many of my hunting successes. I also have an unusual physical and mental toughness that has come in handy many times on particularly difficult hunts.
Favorite Technique: Bow, Muzzleloader, Centerfire
Favorite Game to Hunt: Turkey & Whitetail Deer
Favorite Places to Hunt: Tennessee, Illinois, Montana, and Africa
Favorite Season to Hunt: Turkey & Deer
Favorite Time to Hunt: Anytime the season is open and I am free to go
Favorite Way to Hunt: Treestand
Favorite Turkey Call: Brenda Valentine Sweet Talk
Biggest Kill: Giraffe, Cape Buffalo, Moose, Elk, Caribou, Kudu
Greatest Hunting Achievement: Cleanly killing a Cape Buffalo bull with one arrow at 19 steps, several turkey grandslams
Favorite Hunting Moment: Assisting each of my 4 grandkids shoot their first deer — each when they were five years old
Professional Affiliations: National Spokesperson for the National Wild Turkey Federation
Host of the NWTF's award winning TV program, "Turkey Call" on the Pursuit channel
21-yr veteran of Bass Pro Shops National RedHead Hunting Team
Co-hosts Bass Pro's "REAL HUNTING TV" on Verses network as well as being a regular on the Bass Pro "King of Bucks" program
First woman inducted into the National Legends of the Outdoors Hall of Fame
Member of the West Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame
A present nominee for the National Archery Hall of Fame
2012 Inducted into the Tennessee Turkey Hunters Hall of Fame
2013 Professional Outdoor Media Association Pinnacle Award
Bethel University, Head Archery Coach
First/only woman selected to represent the outdoor and hunting industry in the 2012 Armed Forces Entertainment "Outdoor Legends" S.E. Asia Tour
National champion 3-D Archer
Featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal
About to receive the Silver Lance award, the Amvets highest honor for my work with the wounded vets
Often described as the 1 person responsible for recruiting more women into hunting than any other in modern history. Brenda Valentine, the "First Lady of Hunting"®, grew up in a family where wild game was the primary table fare and good hunting/shooting skills were learned at an early age. The lessons of woodsmanship, animal behavior, and handling a firearm that once provided meat for the table were also building a firm foundation for Brenda to become a respected leader and a role model in today's world of hunting and conservation.
RedHead® Pro Series Skinner Fixed Blade Knife by Buck®
Mossy Oak Camo
Browning® X-Bolt Medallion Rifle
My Recommended Shotguns
Leupold® Ultimate Slam Blackpowder or Shotgun Scopes
Winchester® Ammunition
RedHead® Bucklick Creek Turkey Lounger Vests
Hunter Safety System® Safety Vest/Harness
Leupold® Rangefinders