Bill Dance News & Tips

News & Tips: Wintertime Fishing Tips

Wintertime Fishing Tips

Unlike in summertime, water in the winter in deep lakes doesn’t always get colder as you fish deeper. Water is heaviest…
Bill Dance standing on a boat with a large blue catfish

Winter Catfishing

Wintertime provides a great opportunity for you to catch some really large catfish. First, catfish anglers decide the…

Crappie Hunting in the Fall

While most people are thinking about the upcoming hunting season, fall is an excellent time to think about crappie…
News & Tips: Hot Weather Fishing Options - Fishing Tip...

Hot Weather Fishing Options - Fishing Tip

When fishing slows on your local lake because of hot weather, here’s some options. Head to the local smallmouth river…

Flathead Catfishing - Fishing Tip

If you want to catch heavyweight fish in freshwater, you need to take up flathead catfishing. Trophy-size fish are…
News & Tips: Crappie Fishing Tips From Bill Dance

Crappie Fishing Tips From Bill Dance

Crappie can sometimes be caught on moving baits, but what they really like is food that’s doing nothing at all and just…