Shooting Gear

Tips & tricks about shooting supplies, guns, ammo & firearm accessories, competitive and recreational shooting l Bass Pro Shops & Cabela's


Rifle Scope Buyer’s Guide

When it comes to precision hunting, few tools are as crucial as a rifle scope. These advanced telescopic sights, often simply called rifle scopes, have evolved significantly since their early use during the Civil War. However, it wasn’t until after World War II that rifle scope designs truly refined into the reliable and effective models we use today.

Best Ways to Store Your Guns at Home & In Your Vehicle

Gun security at home and on the go is a matter of choosing the right gear and knowing how to use it.

Securing your guns – at home and when you’re traveling – isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessity. There is a great deal of effective gear to help you do it, and it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.

How to Select the Best Shooting Glasses for You (infographic)

No matter what type of shooting sports you enjoy – rifle, pistol, action, 3-gun, trap, skeet, sporting clays, hunting – eye and ear protection are mandatory. If you’ll be firing a gun or even be around someone else who will be firing a gun – you must wear shooting glasses.