
News & Tips: 4 Reasons Spinners Out-Fish Flies for Winter Trout...

4 Reasons Spinners Out-Fish Flies for Winter Trout

February 23, 2015
Here in northwestern Pennsylvania it’s the time of year when you take advantage of whatever outdoor opportunities present themselves.  If something is in season and the weather decides to cooperate,…
News & Tips: Think Fly Fishing for Brown Trout is Child’s Play? Then Try Central Pennsylvania Streams in the Fall...

Think Fly Fishing for Brown Trout is Child’s Play? Then Try Central Pennsylvania Streams in the Fall

December 3, 2014
Among autumn’s challenges is finding the time to squeeze in the many outdoor opportunities that exist at this time of year. One adventure I promised myself this fall was a trip to central…
News & Tips: Autumn Whitewater: Where to Find Fast Flowing Rivers...

Autumn Whitewater: Where to Find Fast Flowing Rivers

September 30, 2014
Fast-flowing whitewater is most often associated with the summer and spring. But each year paddlers continue to raft, kayak and canoe into the fall months, some up until all the leaves drop off the…
News & Tips: Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio is Live in Memphis at the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid...

Bass Pro Outdoor World Features The Young Guns of Conservation Sept. 6

September 4, 2014
    Bryan Burhans, deputy excutive director of the Pennsylvania Game Commission. Brandon Butler, executive director of the Conservation Federation of Missouri. Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World radio will…
News & Tips: Tactics for Fly Fishing Four of Pennsylvania’s Limestone Streams...

Tactics for Fly Fishing Four of Pennsylvania’s Limestone Streams

June 28, 2014
Four of the most hallowed streams in trout fishing literature — written about by Vincent Marinaro, Charles Fox and others — are Big Spring Creek, Falling Spring Run, the Yellow Breeches and Letort…
News & Tips: Lead Core Line for Ice-out Walleyes

Lead Core Line for Ice-out Walleyes

March 19, 2014
It looks like winter is gradually releasing its icy grip on northwest Pennsylvania following a rather brutal past few months. Within two to three weeks the ice should be off of Pymatuning Reservoir,…
News & Tips: Stop Stocking Walleyes in Rivers?

Stop Stocking Walleyes in Rivers?

February 26, 2014
Ongoing research by multiple fisheries agencies in the mid-Atlantic region is revealing important aspects which will likely affect the way walleyes are managed, particularly in river systems. A…
News & Tips: College Town Winter Trouting

College Town Winter Trouting

February 5, 2014
Centre County, Pennsylvania's Spring Creek ran low and clear when my friend Art and I crossed it last Saturday. The public access area at the Benner Springs hatchery had a few vehicles. Despite the…
News & Tips: The Promise of Spring Creek Trout

The Promise of Spring Creek Trout

January 29, 2014
With a somewhat depressing finality I finished my last entry in the journal and closed the book — both literally and figuratively — on another grouse season. A two-and-a-half hour push amidst driving…
News & Tips: Cattin' Around, Early Winter Style

Cattin' Around, Early Winter Style

December 11, 2013
Anglers that view the flathead catfish as a worthy adversary, but one best pursued on dark, steamy, mid-summer nights are missing the boat, literally, on what might well be the best shovelhead bite…
News & Tips: The New Elk Herds of the American East...

The New Elk Herds of the American East

August 19, 2013
by John Paul Morris A gunshot on September 1st, 1877 silenced the bugling of the last Eastern elk in the world, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service declared the sub-species extinct in…