Hunting Tip

Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops by Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops

5 Big Buck Hiding Spots Hunters Must Not Overlook

November 20, 2014
Deer hunters who live outside of those traditional big buck states or provinces must think creatively when it comes to locating a 150-inch plus trophy. An old homestead may look abandoned but may…
News & Tips: Pinpointing the Best Doe Group to Hunt Near During the Rut...

Pinpointing the Best Doe Group to Hunt Near During the Rut

November 19, 2014
We’re told in countless articles and blogs to deer hunt near doe groups as the rut approaches. But the real key to success is to find the right doe group. You can tell when does are in estrous. They…
News & Tips: 7 Late Deer Season Mistakes You Must Avoid If You Want to Tag Mr. Big...

7 Late Deer Season Mistakes You Must Avoid If You Want to Tag Mr. Big

November 18, 2014
One of the best ways to improve your chances for a mature buck as deer season winds down is to eliminate tactical mistakes. More often than not, those mistakes are a matter of neglecting important…
News & Tips: Got the Deer Season Blues? Here’s 5 Tips to Help You Bag a Last Minute Buck...

Got the Deer Season Blues? Here’s 5 Tips to Help You Bag a Last Minute Buck

November 18, 2014
The crowds of deer hunters are gone and the woods are again silent—and that terrain suddenly appears barren to most hunters. You’ve got an unfilled deer tag in your pocket, and you’d like to fill it…
News & Tips: High-Tech Hunting Gear Every Backcountry Hunter Secretly Wants...

High-Tech Hunting Gear Every Backcountry Hunter Secretly Wants

November 15, 2014
From the time humans started hunting for food, they have been improving technology to increase their chance of success.  We each develop our own creed as to what works for us. A Garmin handheld GPS…

Stop Shouting At Your Hunting Dog!

November 15, 2014
Dog Training Tips Minus the Drama   Hunters who try to control their dog’s every move by shouting commands end up confusing the dog and setting it up for failure. Instead, allow a young dog to work…
News & Tips: Hunting From a Treestand? Arguments That Will Convince You to Wear a Safety Harness....

Hunting From a Treestand? Arguments That Will Convince You to Wear a Safety Harness.

November 15, 2014
Talk to enough bowhunters and you’ll eventually hear one sheepishly admit that, at one time or another, he or she has hunted from a treestand while not wearing a full-body safety harness. When that…
Der Hunting Safety Tips by Der Hunting Safety Tips

Hunter and Non Hunter Basic Safety Tips During Hunting Season

November 13, 2014
When it comes to hunter safety, learn it, preach it, and - most of all - practice it yourself, because it's easy to get overconfident and become careless. Always remain conscious of safety when you…
Hunter with downed elk

7 Must Haves for DIY Big Game Hunters on a Budget

November 7, 2014
If you want to go western big game hunting but must stick to a budget, the following tips will help you stay comfortable and hopefully fill your freezer. Don’t skimp on hunting optics. These days,…
News & Tips: Ways to Keep the Wind From Blowing Your Chances on a Buck...

Ways to Keep the Wind From Blowing Your Chances on a Buck

November 5, 2014
For deer hunters, the wind can be a source of frustration, especially when it suddenly changes directions. But, the wind can blow some benefits your way as well. A blustery wind can be a hassle. But…
News & Tips: If You Don’t Sharpen Your Broadheads Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later...

If You Don’t Sharpen Your Broadheads Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later

October 29, 2014
When it comes right down to it, the most important piece of bowhunting gear we have is the broadhead at the end of our hunting arrows. A good broadhead will fly true, be unaffected by wind, and cause…
Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops by Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops

3 Whitetail Hunting Secrets for Bringing Big Bucks to You

October 29, 2014
Use the following tips from deer hunting expert, Steve Stoltz, to help you rule the rut. Hunters who try Stoltz’s tactics to rule the rut can up their chances of bringing bucks within bow range. 1.…