Hunting Tip

News & Tips: Windy Day? Tips to Make Sure It Doesn’t Screw Up Your Deer Hunt...

Windy Day? Tips to Make Sure It Doesn’t Screw Up Your Deer Hunt

October 26, 2014
Every bow season I wait for the perfect wind for my favorite deer stand to arrive, then drop everything and head out. It has to be west or north. But with the warm weather typical of October in my…
Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops by Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops

Are You Feeding Your Gun Dog Digestible Protein or Chicken Feet?

October 24, 2014
You’ve invested hundreds of hours on dog training to perfect its performance. However, for your hunting dog to perform at its highest level, you need to feed it a high-caliber, high-nutrition diet.…
News & Tips: Forget What You Know About Elk Hunting and Use These Tips Instead...

Forget What You Know About Elk Hunting and Use These Tips Instead

October 21, 2014
Silence is sometimes golden, and when the woods are full of loud bugling and constantly mewing elk hunters, pressured elk simply go silent—and hunker deep into thick cover. Maybe you should also go…
Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops by Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops

4 Common Duck Hunting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

October 19, 2014
With duck populations at the peak of long-term averages, expectations for every hunt are always high. The reality is, even when ducks are plentiful, hunts can fall short of expectations. And it may…
Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops by Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops

Top Destinations for Bobwhite Quail Hunting

October 16, 2014
 “Dr. Babcock will be sick all next week,” the University of South Carolina bulletin board note read in the fall of 1926. The famous author and USC English professor predicted his onset of quail…
News & Tips: 5 Hunting Accessories You Need to Make Field Dressing Deer Easier...

5 Hunting Accessories You Need to Make Field Dressing Deer Easier

October 16, 2014
It’s early in our bow season. I’ve got my stands placed and have watched a few deer show up under it. I haven’t arrowed an animal yet because I’m being selective in terms of size. When it comes to…
News & Tips: Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio is Live in Memphis at the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid...

Wetlands & Waterfowl Conservation Book Featured on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio Oct. 11

October 10, 2014
Plus, seminars by the authors will be conducted at Bass Pro Shops Springfield, Columbia and Independence, Missouri stores. Waterfowl Hunting and Wetland Conservation in Missouri – A Model of…
News & Tips: 5 Ways to Improve Your Odds of Bagging Coyotes at First Frost...

5 Ways to Improve Your Odds of Bagging Coyotes at First Frost

September 26, 2014
Coyotes can be hunted year round in most states, and if you have problem coyotes keeping your local deer herds (or the family pets) on high alert, then maybe it’s time to turn the tables. There are…
Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops by Bill Cooper writers about turkey hunting for Bass Pro Shops

Don’t Think You Know Enough to Hunt Turkeys in the Fall? You Can With These 5 Tips

September 17, 2014
Spend time scouting in the area you intend to hunt turkey and look for sign. With the resurgence in wild turkey populations across the country in the last 30 years, many states have opened fall…
News & Tips: Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio is Live in Memphis at the Bass Pro Shops Pyramid...

Bass Pro Outdoor World: Hunting Tips From John Paul Morris & Allen Treadwell Sept. 13

September 12, 2014
RedHead® Pro Hunting Team members John Paul Morris and Allen Treadwell will share their big game hunting tips on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World radio. The show will air Saturday, September 13 at 10 a.m…
News & Tips: John Blaquiere Buck Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept 13...

John Blaquiere Buck Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept 13

September 12, 2014
Visit the Outdoor Channel King of Bucks Television You’d never guess the John Blaquiere buck, a spectacular Saskatchewan whitetail, was taken by an ordinary hunter. You can hear the story and see…
News & Tips: John Blaquiere Buck Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept 13...

Brenda Valentine's Snowy Alabama Whitetail Hunt Featured on Bass Pro Shops King of Bucks Sept. 6

September 5, 2014
Visit the Outdoor Channel King of Bucks Television If hunting Alabama whitetails in the snow seems strange to people, imagine how winter weather short circuits a southern buck’s brain. Those were…