Habitat Management

News & Tips: Taking Care of Your Food Plots

Taking Care of Your Food Plots

June 5, 2013
One of the more common food plot questions we're asked is, "How long will a food plot last"? The short answer is "It depends". It depends on a whole lot of factors, but most of all it depends upon…
News & Tips: Tips for Advanced Food Plots

Tips for Advanced Food Plots

May 24, 2013
It seems like everyone is planting food plots for deer these days. That's OK by me because even a basic food plot will provide valuable nutrition to deer and add important biodiversity to most…
News & Tips: Food Plots for Hunting

Food Plots for Hunting

May 11, 2013
We typically divide food plots into two categories: feeding plots and hunting plots. Feeding plots are designed to attract and hold deer on your property and are laid out with high volume production…
News & Tips: Favorite Food Plots: Late Spring Seed

Favorite Food Plots: Late Spring Seed

April 20, 2013
Food plots will not only improve the health of your deer herd, they'll also increase your hunting success in the fall. Once you've chosen a spot, cleared the ground, applied lime and fertilizer and…
News & Tips: Think Spring, Think Food Plots

Think Spring, Think Food Plots

March 20, 2013
With spring on its way it's time to begin thinking about planting food plots. Food plots provide deer and other wildlife with excellent nutrition and lots of it. Most wildlife experts would like to…
News & Tips: Favorite Food Plots: Best Deer Planting for Early Spring...

Favorite Food Plots: Best Deer Planting for Early Spring

March 16, 2013
When bass fishing legend Ray Scott began experimenting with seeds to improve the health and antler growth of the deer on his property many years ago, his efforts took him ultimately to one type of…
Wheat Photo credit: Dreamstime.com

Favorite Food Plots: Wheat for Winter Bucks

February 4, 2013
Everyone who dabbles in food plots and deer habitat management develops favorite plants for the various seasons. After 30 years of experimenting I think I've tried about every seed imaginable, but in…
News & Tips: Late-Season Deer Tactics: Food Plots

Late-Season Deer Tactics: Food Plots

January 11, 2013
After the rut and when deer activity has slowed down for the season, it’s good for hunters to center their attention on the food source. By the end of most deer seasons, the acorn crop is gone. I…
News & Tips: Tis the Season for Sinking Christmas Trees in Your Local Fishing Hole...

Tis the Season for Sinking Christmas Trees in Your Local Fishing Hole

January 10, 2013
“Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! By the way, could I please have your Christmas tree?” Christmas trees make great habitat for many species of fish, and besides, why let them go to waste after…
News & Tips: Animal Trapping Safety

Animal Trapping Safety

December 19, 2012
Animal trapping or using snares Is done for many reasons such as food, fur, pest control, pet trade, zoological specimens or wildlife management. Knowing how to construct simple snares or use the…