Fishing Tip


Heading South to Fish? Learn How to Battle Florida Cold Fronts

December 26, 2019
Are you thinking about heading south to fish this winter? Many of you do, and Florida is the destination for many snowbirds. The Sunshine State offers some of the best fishing in the world, and it’s…
News & Tips: Tactics for Wintertime Largemouths

Six Fishing Tactics for Wintertime Bass

December 23, 2019
A frigid wind swept across the gray waters of the large impoundment as a pair of anglers cast their lures towards a sunken island. It was the middle of winter. The weather was nasty, their fingers…
Women standing with a large white crappie from Lake Conroe

Best Places to Fish in Texas: Lake Conroe

July 26, 2019
Strategy and Fishing Tips for Locating and Catching Fish in Lake Conroe Lake Conroe was created in 1973 by impounding the West Fork of the San Jacinto River. Originally created as a water supply,…
Major League Fishing Pro James Watson standingon a boat with a largemouth bass

Watson’s Spoon Jacking Post-Spawn Fishing Rig and Tricks (video)

July 8, 2019
MLF Pro James Watson knows that one of the most effective baits to fish during the post-spawn is a floating worm. That said, the bite only lasts for a week before fish get even more hungry. This is…
News & Tips: Video Shows Lightning Nearly Striking Fisherman...

Video Shows Lightning Nearly Striking Fisherman

June 24, 2019
This is Why You Should Get Off the Water — and Shoreline — During a Lightning Storm! The best way to protect yourself and anyone with you from lightning is to avoid the threat. Summer is the peak…
Mike McClelland pro fishing angler

Fishing With Swim Jigs to Catch More Bass

June 12, 2019
Fishing tips and tactics from Cabela’s Ambassador Mike McClelland. By Jeff Samsel Mike McClelland professional anglerIf you always looked down while you walked, you’d miss a bunch of stuff, and the…
Angler netting a giant catfish off the side of a boat

Catch Giant Catfish With These Proven Fishing Tips

June 11, 2019
7 Proven "Catching Catfish" Strategies Fishing for big catfish is gaining fans in droves as anglers realize the cats offer their best chance to catch a quarry in freshwater that weighs 20-75 pounds…
How to catch for big fish in Tennessee’s Chickamauga Lake

Best Places to Fish in Tennessee: Chickamauga Lake

June 4, 2019
Ranked #2 in Bassmaster Magazine's 2018 List of Best Bass Lakes In Bassmaster's 2018 Best Bass Lakes revealed list, the Tennessee’s Chickamauga Lake took the No. 2 slot that year. Close to getting…
Fishing pro Randy Howell

Favorite Topwater Bass Fishing Lures the Pros Like

May 18, 2019
Primetime for topwater fishing is upon much of the bass fishing world. Who doesn’t love watching the brutality of nature at its finest as a bass tears a new one into your favorite topwater plug?…
Fishing in Florida

Best Places to Fish in Florida: Lake Kissimmee

May 14, 2019
Florida's Lake Kissimmee is Famous for Top Fishing At 35,000 acres, Lake Kissimmee is the 3rd largest lake in Florida with a reputation as one of its better lakes for fishing bass and panfish. The…
Angler casting a frog bait

The Best Fishing Presentation is a Confident Presentation

May 8, 2019
Confidence is Always the Best Piece of Equipment an Angler Can Have  By Brian Abella, Cabela’s Associate Category Manager One angler might fish a shallow crankbait fast and cover a lot of water…
Fish in Missouri

Best Places to Fish in Missouri: Lake of the Ozarks

May 3, 2019
Lake of the Ozarks is Famous for Dock Pattern Fishing Located in a section of the Ozark Fisheries in Camden County, Missouri, Lake of the Ozarks is one of the Midwest’s oldest and most productive…