Deer Hunting

close up of deer in field

Deer Hunting 101: Essentials for the New Hunter

September 22, 2023
Deer hunting is an age-old tradition enjoyed by countless hunters. Whether stepping into the field for sport, for putting venison on the table, or hunting as a passion, hunting deer always puts your…
hunter in woods

11 Pieces of Hunting Gear You’re Probably Forgetting to De-Scent

September 24, 2020
Most hunters understand the importance of scent control and how to practice it when it comes to your body and hunting clothes. However, many hunters overlook their various pieces of hunting gear,…
Grant Woods planning food plot location

Where to Put Food Plots: Advice to a Tennessee Hunter (video)

July 27, 2020
A Tennessee deer hunter has a property he's looking to improve for better deer hunting. Grant meets with him to review the property and share tips and ideas for improving the habitat. This video…
Deer in the woods

Scouting: Where Will the Deer be in the Early Season? (video)

July 15, 2020
Daniel shares deer hunting tips on scouting now for the best trail camera and hunting stand locations! See why one tree may be the hot spot in the forest for a better tasting and more abundant source…
Hunter butchering deer meat

Hunter's harvest - The 5 Processing Tools You Need

June 10, 2020
Cabela's Ambassador Jim Shockey clues you in to the one thing he's never without on a hunt. Taking an animal from the field to the freezer is a big task, but one that’s easily doable for the DIY…
Grant Woods with two land owners in the buck habitat

Oklahoma Deer Habitat: New Plan for Even Bigger Deer!

February 11, 2020
Grant assisted Martin Smith during 2014 with a habitat plan to meet his and his sons hunting objectives. They implemented the plan and tagged a lot of bucks. Now they are ready for a plan to produce…
Whitetail Rifle Hunting Gear

Essential Gear for a Whitetail Rifle Hunt

January 19, 2020
There are some pieces of gear that you just cannot hunt without. The author walks through his favorite gear and explains why he considers them essentials for a whitetail rifle hunt. By Mat Brost…
Three deer hunters in blaze orange inspecting a buck one had shot

Buck Down & Food Plot Design Strategy (video)

January 16, 2020
Years ago Grant designed a food plot that's perfect for rut hunts. There's a long list of several good bucks tagged there! Grant recently added another to the list! Watch to see the keys to this food…
Mature buck standing alert on a hillside looking towards where he hears sound

We're Back on the Hunt for a Hit List Buck (video)

November 20, 2019
Deer hunting! We're back on the hunt for the hit list buck we call Slingshot! Plus, watch to the end to see a strategy that worked for tagging a doe...and keeping the buck in the field after arrowing…
deer hunting in field

How to Choose Your Whitetail Cartridge (infographic)

October 23, 2019
Whether you’re choosing your first or your fifteenth deer rifle, there are lots of decisions to be made. And with all the numbers describing the various deer rifle calibers and corresponding ammo,…
Land owner is loading seed spreader behind his tractor  to plant a food plot

What to Plant for the Best Fall Food Plots and Deer Nutrition

October 14, 2019
Planting fall food plots doesn’t just entice bucks by offering them succulent forage. It also draws in does, offering the double attraction of food and females. But what plants will offer the most…
Handful of sericea lespedeza in early growth stages, white-tailed deer will utilize this plant for food

Will Deer Eat This? How to Identify Native Plants

October 13, 2019
When creating better deer hunting habitat we all wonder...will deer eat this? In this video, 3 experts show us how to identify native plants. Then Grant explains the ones that deer love to eat. If…