Deer Hunting

Graphic with one deer in field of soybeans for Episode #500

How We Changed An Old Rocky Farm Into a Deer Hunting Dream (video)

July 26, 2019
Deer hunting and habitat changes on our hunting grounds: For 500 episodes we've shared what we do at The Proving Grounds in the rough, steep, rocky Ozark Mountains to produce bigger antlers and…
Buck standing in the woods

Top 7 Hunting Apps

July 18, 2019
As an avid hunter, chances are you enjoy the remoteness and quiet of the wild on your hunting trips. Even though you might look forward to your trips to disconnect from technology, you should…

Build Your Own Walk-In Cooler

June 24, 2019
A DIY Walk-Cooler Is Easily Achievable, And At A Fraction Of The Cost You'd Expect CoolBot Temperature ControllerFor decades, walk-in coolers have required heavy, expensive and inefficient…
News & Tips: The Drury's Are Giving Away the Farm and YOU Could Win It! (video)...

The Drury's Are Giving Away the Farm and YOU Could Win It! (video)

April 8, 2019
2019 is the Drury Outdoors’ 30th anniversary and They Couldn’t Have Made it This Far Without You, the Viewers! To say “Thank you!” the Drury's purchased a 60-acre farm in northern Missouri, planted…
News & Tips: The Hunter's Guide to Social Media

The Hunter's Guide to Social Media

December 20, 2018
There are few moments more rewarding to the big game hunter: you’ve finally taken that trophy buck or bull and a little bragging to your buddies is in order. Long gone, however, are the days of the…
two deer hunters

Are You Neglecting to Hunt Micro Deer Hotspots?

December 13, 2018
Most deer hunters favor big chunks of territory and deer stands that overlook large areas. But some of the biggest bucks get neglected by this tendency to always think larger tracts and more…
News & Tips: Deer Hunting: Post Rut Strategies & Lessons from the Hunt (video)...

Deer Hunting: Post Rut Strategies & Lessons from the Hunt (video)

December 12, 2018
Tyler has a great encounter with a LOT of inches of antler during rifle season. Watch this very exciting hunt and the lessons learned. (00:01 - 07:28) Grant explains a hunting strategy that can yield…
News & Tips: 12 Things to Know About Hunting the Four Phases of the Rut...

12 Things to Know About Hunting the Four Phases of the Rut

October 26, 2018
For deer hunters, “the rut” is a magical time that elicits images of broad-shouldered bucks with swollen necks fighting for dominance and chasing does with abandon. It’s portrayed in TV shows as a…
News & Tips: Deer Hunting: Acorns on the Ground Equals Buck and Does Down!  (video)...

Deer Hunting: Acorns on the Ground Equals Buck and Does Down! (video)

October 22, 2018
With favorable winds for deer hunting the team puts tags on a few does. Then Rae gets in the stand to hunt a buck that is on a pattern for white oak acorns. See the hunt where Rae gets that buck in…
News & Tips: Tips for Easy Fall Food Plots Plus Scouting and Patterning Bucks (video)...

Tips for Easy Fall Food Plots Plus Scouting and Patterning Bucks (video)

September 18, 2018
See one of the easiest ways to plant a fall food plot!  (0:00:59) Plus: meet the newest member of the team (02:11) and get an update on the food plots that were planted earlier (03:27) and why Grant…
News & Tips: Deer Hunting: New Bucks Patterned, New Strategies, New Stands (video)...

Deer Hunting: New Bucks Patterned, New Strategies, New Stands (video)

August 23, 2018
Deer hunting "how to" with : We're getting a pattern on some hit list bucks so it's time to hang a new stand! Watch as Daniel shares the how, where and why of this new treestand…
News & Tips: Defeat a Buck's Nose by Becoming a Scent Control Freak...

Defeat a Buck's Nose by Becoming a Scent Control Freak

July 30, 2018
Tagging a mature whitetail buck is the cumulation of hard work, perseverance, and a bit of luck. So why is it that what seems like a lifetime achievement for some hunters, is almost a yearly ritual…