Rapala Pro Brandon Palaniuk wrestles with Five Questions from Bass Pro 1Source
Five Questions for Brandon Palaniuk
Entering the squared circle of doom this week to take on the challenge of Five Questions from OurtdoorsFIRST Media's Dave Landahl is none other than former amateur wrestler turned pro basser, weighing in at less than 200 pounds from the state known for potatoes, (that would be Idaho) is Rigid Industries pro Brandon Palaniuk.
Ding ding (wrestling bell being rung).
1Source- What is your favorite movie and why?
BP - I have a lot of favorite movies, but I'd say Dumb and Dumber. I think it has some of the greatest one-liners. For example, "You've had an extra pair of gloves this whole time? Yeah, we're in the Rockies." All sorts of lines like that that don't make a lot of sense, but they are very funny to me.
1Source - Where would you go for your fantasy fishing trip?
BP - Lake Biwa in Japan. I'd throw giant swimbaits and try for one of those freak largemouth.
1Source - Who is your favorite professional wrestler?
BP - I have never watched professional wrestling. It's not real wrestling. I'm not saying the wrestlers aren't athletes or that they don't get hurt, it's just not a sport.
1Source - What was your worst lodging experience on the road?
BP - It was in 2010. Me and a buddy had been sleeping in a truck. We were heading to the TBF Nationals in Tennessee. My boat was rear-ended. So, we had no boat to practice in for the event. We had very little money. We decided to stay in a cheap motel. The people running the place barely spoke English. I also think the majority of people at the motel lived there full-time. I'm pretty sure there was a lot of drug trafficking going on. We had no money and no other choice. That was the worst.
1Source - What do you want to be when you grow up?
BP - Better than Kevin VanDam!