Timmy Horton hit the pro-bass scene with a bang back in 2000. The NITRO/Mercury pro took home the Angler of the Year title in his rookie campaign. Since then, Horton has been one of the top anglers fishing the Bassmaster Elite Series, earned four Bassmaster victories and hosts Timmy Horton Outdoors.
Horton took a little time to share some of his summer bass fishing tips with Pros4- 1Source.
Think grass for bass during the heat of the summer.
"I do like to fish deep water for bass during the summer," said Horton. "However, I love to pull them out of the grass that is so prevalent through many waterways in the USA.
"I have two basic approaches to getting the bass out of the grass. I either bring them up to the top or I punch through it. It's pretty basic, but it works."
Bringing the bass up requires stout gear.
Horton prefers a 7-foot 6-inch heavy-action rod made by Duckett. He spools up with 50-pound braid.
"When I'm fishing on top, I like using the Bass Pro Shops Kermy Frog," said Horton. "I like the frog when I fish grass they can get through. Milfoil is ideal. This type of fishing is available from Lake Minnetonka in Minnesota down to Lake Okeechobee in Florida and anywhere bass and milfoil exist.
"I keep fishing it until I move a fish. I believe the bass school up in the shallows just like they do deep. Once you get one, you'll often get several more in an area. Keep moving until you find them."
For punching through dense grass, Horton sticks with the same length Duckett rod, but upgrades to an extra-heavy power and 65-pound braid.
"Now, when I'm fishing Hydrilla, I'm usually putting down the frog and punching through the mats," said Horton. "Tie on a Bass Pro Shops 1-ounce tungsten weight, the appropriate sized hook for your favorite plastic and start punching.
"Just like in milfoil, the bass school in the hydrilla. Keep moving until you connect."
Time of day isn't always as important for fishing thick vegetation as it can be for other techniques.
"I don't think the time of day comes into play as much when fishing heavy grass in the summer," said Horton. "I've caught them early and late and all other times fishing thick grass during the summer. Get out there and fish. The bass school up. Keep fishing hard and keep moving around until you find them."
by Pros4- 1Source