Steve Galea News & Tips

News & Tips: Traditional Archery: Pulling Your Weight...

Traditional Archery: Pulling Your Weight

Just as there are riflemen who believe bigger is better when it comes to calibres for big game, there are archers who…
News & Tips: Don't Crowd the Eye

Don't Crowd the Eye

  Notice how there's nothing blocking the eye of this Carey Special? Many years ago, my buddy and I were fishing a…
News & Tips: Making Tracks: A Snowshoer's Primer

Making Tracks: A Snowshoer's Primer

A good pair of modern snowshoes are easy to use and maintain. If you're an outdoorsman in the north, snowshoeing is…
News & Tips: After the Shot, Let It Be

After the Shot, Let It Be

The big doe slipped out of the hardwoods just minutes before legal quitting time. From my tree stand, some 20 feet…
News & Tips: Wooly Bugger: The Big Mac of Flies

Wooly Bugger: The Big Mac of Flies

The other day I was talking to an old friend about fly fishing in general and flies in particular when we got around to…
News & Tips: Bowhunting 101

Bowhunting 101

Bowhunting is a straightforward process. You get close to your quarry by stealth or ambush, then you slip an arrow into…
News & Tips: Zoning in on Accuracy with a Longbow

Zoning in on Accuracy with a Longbow

The other day I was in the yard, launching arrows from my favorite longbow when I was reminded of one of the most…
News & Tips: A New Year Resolution: Learning More Nymph Fishing Techniques...

A New Year Resolution: Learning More Nymph Fishing Techniques

For a fly angler living in the north, winter is a time to prepare for the season ahead. There are fly boxes to fill,…
News & Tips: 10 Tips Every New Fly Angler Should Know...

10 Tips Every New Fly Angler Should Know

Every new fly angler progresses through a learning curve. First, they acquire the gear; then they learn how to use it…
News & Tips: Traditional Archery Can Get the Job Done...

Traditional Archery Can Get the Job Done

    The author with a small buck taken by longbow. The most annoying criticism I hear about traditional archery is…
News & Tips: Ice Fishing Safety Primer

Ice Fishing Safety Primer

There's nothing quite like ice fishing. An adventure on a frozen lake can provide good catches, a welcome relief from…
News & Tips: Making the First Arrow Count

Making the First Arrow Count

Like most bow hunters, I practice shooting year round. In those sessions, my objective is to ingrain correct shooting…