Steve Galea News & Tips

News & Tips: Guess What? It's Time to Go Over That Bow Hunting Checklist...

Guess What? It's Time to Go Over That Bow Hunting Checklist

The summer months are a busy time for serious hunters who don't want to be rushing to get ready for the hunt when the…
News & Tips: 3 Items to Efficiently Fish With Nymph Flies...

3 Items to Efficiently Fish With Nymph Flies

    In nymph fishing, as in other aspects of fly fishing, the devil is in the details. Sometimes the difference…
News & Tips: 5 Ways to Have Fun With Archery Practice (and Still Hone Your Skills)...

5 Ways to Have Fun With Archery Practice (and Still Hone Your Skills)

Over the course of this blog's history, I've suggested all sorts of techniques that might be helpful when practicing…
News & Tips: Fly Fishing Fast Waters: When Hitting Rock Bottom is a Good Thing...

Fly Fishing Fast Waters: When Hitting Rock Bottom is a Good Thing

Last week I took the day off and spent some time at my favorite river. Previous experience told me the brook trout…
News & Tips: Seize the Opportunity: Don’t Be Afraid to Stray From Original Hunting Plans...

Seize the Opportunity: Don’t Be Afraid to Stray From Original Hunting Plans

In mid-May, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in Ontario's pilot-project spring bear hunt. I used…
News & Tips: Why Fish Have a Soft Spot for Scruffy Flies...

Why Fish Have a Soft Spot for Scruffy Flies

There's an old tried and true axiom in fly fishing. Essentially it says, "Neatly tied flies catch fishermen but scruffy…
News & Tips: Why You May Be Wrong About Bucktail Flies...

Why You May Be Wrong About Bucktail Flies

When I first started tying flies, I tied bucktails. That's fairly standard for most of us because bucktails are…
News & Tips: 8 Ways to Be Mentally Fit for Bow Season...

8 Ways to Be Mentally Fit for Bow Season

As I said in previous blogs, traditional archery success is based largely on confidence in your ability. You get that…
News & Tips: Small Flies Net Big Results

Small Flies Net Big Results

A friend and I spent time on a small, rough and tumble creek fishing for rainbow trout one morning into the afternoon. …
News & Tips: Traditional Archery: What is Your Effective Range?...

Traditional Archery: What is Your Effective Range?

Bowhunters who pursue game using traditional gear must overcome the challenge of shooting without sights. As I've…
News & Tips: Spring Cleaning for Better Fly Fishing...

Spring Cleaning for Better Fly Fishing

Our fly fishing season in Ontario is about to start in earnest and with that comes the panic and excitement of…
News & Tips: What Shot Angle Should You Take for Turkeys?...

What Shot Angle Should You Take for Turkeys?

There are many good shot angles that will allow a bowhunter to humanely take a wild turkey. For broadside, head-on or…