Steve Galea News & Tips

Women bow hunter

Bow Buyer's Guide for Women (and Youth)

One of the great boons to bowhunting is the growing number of women joining its ranks. Archery manufacturers have been…
Shooter practicing with rifle

How to Become a Better Rifle Shot (video)

Most rifle shooters recognize that there's no substitute for time spent at the range. They know that to become a…
News & Tips: Protect Your Fly Gear: The Case for Cases...

Protect Your Fly Gear: The Case for Cases

When it comes to gear, most fly anglers have no shortage of items on their wish lists. If you’re anything like me, fine…
Hunter with bow in the snow

Consider Using a Crossbow When Bowhunting During Bitter Cold Temps

The memory, much like the ice that was hanging from my moustache that day, remains crystal clear. I had been sitting in…
Blood trails can be much shorter if you are patient after the shot. ...

What Every Bowhunter Should Do After the Shot

Last week, I arrowed a nice little buck, and I’m happy to say the bowhunting factors I always go on about came together…
News & Tips: Do You Know How to Match a Fishing Hook to the Fly You’re Tying?...

Do You Know How to Match a Fishing Hook to the Fly You’re Tying?

Just as the broadhead is the most important item in the bowhunter’s tool kit, the hook is what gets it done for anglers…
News & Tips: Hunting From a Treestand? Arguments That Will Convince You to Wear a Safety Harness....

Hunting From a Treestand? Arguments That Will Convince You to Wear a Safety Harness.

Talk to enough bowhunters and you’ll eventually hear one sheepishly admit that, at one time or another, he or she has…
News & Tips: If You Don’t Sharpen Your Broadheads Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later...

If You Don’t Sharpen Your Broadheads Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later

When it comes right down to it, the most important piece of bowhunting gear we have is the broadhead at the end of our…
News & Tips: 5 Hunting Accessories You Need to Make Field Dressing Deer Easier...

5 Hunting Accessories You Need to Make Field Dressing Deer Easier

It’s early in our bow season. I’ve got my stands placed and have watched a few deer show up under it. I haven’t arrowed…
News & Tips: Flashy Streamers Worth a Try When the Water is High...

Flashy Streamers Worth a Try When the Water is High

This autumn, your favorite trout fishing river may be faster and higher due to heavy rains. While fly fishing and…
News & Tips: 5 Factors Every Deer Hunter Should Consider When Placing a Treestand...

5 Factors Every Deer Hunter Should Consider When Placing a Treestand

Stand placement is always a tricky thing. So many deer hunting factors need to come into play. One important thing I’ve…
News & Tips: The Secret to Catching More River Trout on a Fly Rod...

The Secret to Catching More River Trout on a Fly Rod

I was fishing one of our local brook trout rivers the other day when I was reminded of something that makes a huge…