Robert Loewendick News & Tips

News & Tips: Not Ready to Commit? Test Drive Camping With a Rent-A-Camp...

Not Ready to Commit? Test Drive Camping With a Rent-A-Camp

How many times have you tried something, which afterwards, you wished you could have only sampled it before jumping in…
News & Tips: How to Section Hike to Conquer Long Trails You Normally Couldn’t...

How to Section Hike to Conquer Long Trails You Normally Couldn’t

Regarding life in general, most of us struggle to find time to do the things we truly enjoy. Hikers of all ranges…
News & Tips: Don’t Stink at Camp: 5 Ways to Get Clean Without a Shower...

Don’t Stink at Camp: 5 Ways to Get Clean Without a Shower

When conversing with people who don't camp, or haven't camped since he or she was a kid, the subject of feeling dirty…
News & Tips: Take Your Kids on Night Hikes & Open Whole New World to Hiking...

Take Your Kids on Night Hikes & Open Whole New World to Hiking

Several years ago, me, the wife and our two kids attended an organized night hike at a nearby arboretum. The kids were…
News & Tips: Whitewater Rafting for the Whole Family...

Whitewater Rafting for the Whole Family

Many camping trips are planned around water activities — most of which are fairly tame in the wild adventure category.…
News & Tips: Use the Rule of Thirds for Great Story-Telling Photos in the Outdoors...

Use the Rule of Thirds for Great Story-Telling Photos in the Outdoors

Sitting around the fireplace this past winter, the family and I were reviewing photos taken during the previous camping…
News & Tips: Introduce Your Kids to Camping with Backyard Campouts...

Introduce Your Kids to Camping with Backyard Campouts

The tent shook almost as badly as we were. My brother, cousin and I could hear the creature circling the tent, stalking…
News & Tips: How a Life Vest Saved Me

How a Life Vest Saved Me

This past weekend I attended the annual conference of the Outdoor Writers of Ohio (OWO). As the current president of…
News & Tips: Stop Cooking Mediocre Camp Meals – Use a Dutch Oven...

Stop Cooking Mediocre Camp Meals – Use a Dutch Oven

As settlers traveled across the country a couple hundred years ago, their needs were simple even though times were…
News & Tips: Are You Not Sleeping at Camp?

Are You Not Sleeping at Camp?

For some campers, a good night sleep is easily achieved after a day of adventure taxes the body. But for others, even…
News & Tips: Trash Management on the Trail

Trash Management on the Trail

Maneuvering along a hiking trail and "in the zone" with the natural surroundings can be quickly interrupted by a small…
News & Tips: Give Springtime Wildlife Extra Space

Give Springtime Wildlife Extra Space

Wildlife observation continues to be a highlight of camping trips. From birds to rabbits, reptiles to white-tailed deer…