Keith Kavajecz News & Tips

News & Tips: Ice Fishing: Don't Let Lack of Equipment Curb Your Passion for the Sport...

Ice Fishing: Don't Let Lack of Equipment Curb Your Passion for the Sport

One of the cool aspects about ice fishing is that it is an easy sport to get into. A person can get involved with very…
News & Tips: Summer Walleye: The Where & How of Trolling Bottom Bouncers & Spinners...

Summer Walleye: The Where & How of Trolling Bottom Bouncers & Spinners

Developed on the big western reservoirs, the technique of trolling bottom bouncers and spinners is a great way to cover…
News & Tips: Using Artificial Tails to Catch Cold-River Walleyes...

Using Artificial Tails to Catch Cold-River Walleyes

 Keith Kavajecz, walleye fishing. There’s been a huge shift the past few of years when it comes to cold-water river…
News & Tips: Keith Kavajecz: Trolling Cranks Down Riprap for Walleyes...

Keith Kavajecz: Trolling Cranks Down Riprap for Walleyes

Riprap, also known as rubble, shot rock or rock armor, can be defined as rock or other materiel used to armor…
News & Tips: Follow the Line to Better Vertical Jigging Success With Walleyes...

Follow the Line to Better Vertical Jigging Success With Walleyes

Without question, one of the most effective tactics for catching walleyes in rivers is vertical jigging. As the name…
News & Tips: Jig Trolling for Fall Walleyes

Jig Trolling for Fall Walleyes

As summer begins to wind down and the season edges toward autumn, walleye location and activity level makes a…
News & Tips: Stay Invisible for Winter Walleyes

Stay Invisible for Winter Walleyes

Vertical: It is a double-edged sword when it comes to catching through-the-ice walleyes. On the plus side, we are…
News & Tips: Walleyes on Deep Rock Structure

Walleyes on Deep Rock Structure

On a lot of walleye waters, particularly shield lakes (but some reservoirs as well), a good number of walleyes relate…
News & Tips: Fluorocarbon Line for Walleye Spinners...

Fluorocarbon Line for Walleye Spinners

A couple of years ago, I started using Fluorocarbon line to tie up my walleye spinner harnesses because Fluorocarbon…
News & Tips: Match the Hatch Trolling for Early Season Walleyes...

Match the Hatch Trolling for Early Season Walleyes

When it comes to catching walleyes in the earlier part of the season (spring and early summer), it's important to keep…

Casting Cranks Along Riprap

Whether you are fishing natural or man-made bodies of water, riprap needs to be high on your structural hit list. In…
News & Tips: Aggressive Pitching to River Walleyes

Aggressive Pitching to River Walleyes

In late winter and into early spring, river walleyes can be tough to catch simply because runoff and spring rains can…