Justin Hoffman News & Tips

News & Tips: Frog Fishing Fundamentals

Frog Fishing Fundamentals

Nothing gets the heart racing more than tossing a frog for largemouth bass. Surface strikes can range from nary a slurp…
News & Tips: Crankbait Buyer's Guide

Crankbait Buyer's Guide

  Natural Colors are useful for clear-water conditions, while bold colors such as chartreuse and firetiger excel in…
News & Tips: Quick Fix for Leaky Boats

Quick Fix for Leaky Boats

A common problem affecting aluminum boats are leaks. Collisions with underwater obstructions, beaching boats, and years…
News & Tips: Fillet Knife Buyer's Guide

Fillet Knife Buyer's Guide

There's nothing more satisfying to an angler than enjoying a home-cooked meal of fresh caught fish. The aromas, the…
News & Tips: Tube Bait Basics for Smallies

Tube Bait Basics for Smallies

Tube-bait has been garnering attention and catching boatfuls of fish for a record number of years. Tube baits and…
News & Tips: How to Catch Pike: Northern Pike Fishing...

How to Catch Pike: Northern Pike Fishing

The northern pike — or "water wolf" in some circles — is a predatory fish that holds a healthy appetite, both for…
News & Tips: Pick the Best Polarized Fishing Glasses...

Pick the Best Polarized Fishing Glasses

What would you say is the most important piece of fishing equipment you own? Would it be your rod? Your tackle?…
News & Tips: Pressured Fish? No Problem

Pressured Fish? No Problem

Fish pressure can originate from a variety of sources. The number one cause is by anglers themselves. This is best…
News & Tips: Finding the Right Fish Finder

Finding the Right Fish Finder

Modern fishfinders are capable of providing far more information than sonar units of yesteryear. The game of fishing…
News & Tips: Deciding On a Downrigger

Deciding On a Downrigger

Downriggers allow you to present your lure at a precise depth while trolling. In order to be a successful angler, one…
News & Tips: Spoon Feed Deep Largemouth

Spoon Feed Deep Largemouth

There are more largemouth bass lures on the market than you can shake a flipping stick at. Many are tailor-made for set…
News & Tips: Keys to Largemouth Bass Fishing

Keys to Largemouth Bass Fishing

Largemouth bass can be found in most lakes, rivers, streams and ponds across the continent. Due to their accessible…