Jimmy Houston News & Tips

News & Tips: Switch to Jigs to Catch More Panfish

Switch to Jigs to Catch More Panfish

Worms, crickets and other live bait will nearly always catch panfish, but if you want to catch more panfish, switch to…
News & Tips: Fishing Bait Tip for Winter Crappie Points...

Fishing Bait Tip for Winter Crappie Points

The challenge of bass fishing in the winter months can be made easier with bait tips from Jimmy Houston, host of Jimmy…
News & Tips: Being Different: Changing Fishing Baits...

Being Different: Changing Fishing Baits

Don’t be afraid to change baits when fishing slows down. Giving bass a new look is sometimes all it takes to put…

Quality Deer the Buck to Doe Ratio - Hunting Tip

How many deer are in an your hunting area? In areas where the buck-to doe ratio is around 1 to 1, it makes hunting a…

Tips for Taking Turkey With a Bow

If you enjoy challenges then I’ve got one for you. Try taking a turkey with a bow this fall. Turkeys are programmed to…
News & Tips: Stinkbaits & Catfish - Fishing Tip

Stinkbaits & Catfish - Fishing Tip

Fishing for catfish is becoming more and more popular across America. They can be caught on worms, minnows, goldfish,…

Kids Fishing Equipment - Fishing Tip

The big fishing tackle us adults use can be difficult for kids to use. Ultralight fishing rod and reel combo for kids,…

Late Spring Bass Patterns

Largemouth bass are creatures of habit. These fish do the same things over and over, year after year, and usually at…

Canadian Family Fishing Trip

Canada is just not that far away for anyone to not go there at least once in a lifetime. Obviously, if you live in the…

What You Need To Start Fishing

Everybody wants to go fishing these days -- and I mean everybody. The trouble is most folks get some gear, licenses and…

Reel Drag - Fishing Tip

Most people think the drag on a spinning reel should be set according to the size of the fish being caught. Actually,…

Sunfish Action - Fishing Tip

The hottest action will occur during their spawning time around the time of the full moons of April through June,…