Dr. Grant Woods Videos

Easy Guide to Make Mock Deer Scrapes

Easy Guide to Make Mock Deer Scrapes

Grant shows the tools and steps for making a mock deer scrape to funnel the bucks into range! It's an easy project that…
1Source Video: Scouting Deer Food Sources

Scouting Deer Food Sources

Grant Woods, wildlife biologist specializing in deer management and research explains how food plots and the eating…
1Source Video: Moon Phase & Deer Activity

Moon Phase & Deer Activity

Does the moon phase really influence deer activity? Dr. Grant Woods from GrowingDeer.tv explains recent studies by…
1Source Video: This is the Best Bullet for Deer Season

This is the Best Bullet for Deer Season

Dr. Grant woulds explains why the Winchester Deer Season XP ammo is the ideal bullet for hunting deer. Key to it's…
1Source Video: Hunter Safety is in the Gear

Hunter Safety is in the Gear

Essential to any responsible hunting trip is safety and the most important gear a hunter can have is a quality …
1Source Video: 3 Advantages to Bow Hunting From a Blind

3 Advantages to Bow Hunting From a Blind

Dr. Grant Woods explains how bow hunting from a tower hunting blind has its advantges.1. If possible, position your…
1Source Video: 5 Scent Control Basics for Hunting Victory

5 Scent Control Basics for Hunting Victory

When preparing to hunt, scent control starts at home, not at the field. Here are five basic steps for hunters to…
1Source Video: 2 Scout Smart for Deer this Summer

2 Scout Smart for Deer this Summer

Hunting deer in timber country? Scouting for whitetails during August and September means you’ve got to do some long-…
1Source Video: Plan Deer Season With Time Lapse Scouting

Plan Deer Season With Time Lapse Scouting

If you're struggling to find enough time to scout deer, especially during the pre-season. Try using a time lapse camera…
1Source Video: How to do a Blind Bale Target Practice Drill

How to do a Blind Bale Target Practice Drill

The best way to make sure you’re on form with those long bow shots in the fall is to do blind bale target drills. Here'…
1Source Video: 2 Key Reasons to Feed Your Deer Herd Minerals

2 Key Reasons to Feed Your Deer Herd Minerals

Dr. Grant Woods shares 2 reasons why you should feed your deer heard minerals that are high in calcium and phosphorous.…
1Source Video: Why You Should Scout Deer from a Distance

Why You Should Scout Deer from a Distance

Traditional scouting can disrupt natural deer movements, causing the entire effort to be a waste. Learn why and how you…