Dr. Grant Woods News & Tips

News & Tips: Bow Hunting A Big Old Homegrown Buck!  (video)...

Bow Hunting A Big Old Homegrown Buck! (video)

Deer hunting with the GrowingDeer.tv team on the family farm! Years of planning and work pay off for Adam as he bow…
News & Tips: The Best Deer Hunts for Making Memories  (video)...

The Best Deer Hunts for Making Memories (video)

Deer hunting with the GrowingDeer.tv team! Great deer hunting memories were made with the hunts in this video! Watch as…
News & Tips: Bow Hunting 2016: Filling Deer Tags, It Gets Better and Better!  (video)...

Bow Hunting 2016: Filling Deer Tags, It Gets Better and Better! (video)

Bow Hunting with the GrowingDeer.tv team: Filling deer tags in Missouri and Kentucky with deer in range and down! The…
News & Tips: Better Bow Hunting: Cold Front, Time to Hunt  (video)...

Better Bow Hunting: Cold Front, Time to Hunt (video)

Deer hunting with GrowingDeer.tv! A cold front moves through and gets the deer moving. Watch to see the latest bow…
News & Tips: Best First Hunts for 2016: Five Deer Down!  (video)...

Best First Hunts for 2016: Five Deer Down! (video)

Deer hunting with GrowingDeer.tv!  The 2016 season starts with a bang: four hunters with five deer down!  Watch the…
News & Tips: Bow Hunting: Elk Bulls and Whitetail Bucks  (video)...

Bow Hunting: Elk Bulls and Whitetail Bucks (video)

Early season bow hunting challenges and adventures! From Colorado elk hunting to the opening weekend of Missouri…
News & Tips: Deer Hunting: Changes for the Season  (video)...

Deer Hunting: Changes for the Season (video)

The GrowingDeer team is developing strategies for hunting mature bucks. It’s also a time of year that brings many…
News & Tips: Deer Hunting: Surefire Scouting and Strategies for Whitetails (video)...

Deer Hunting: Surefire Scouting and Strategies for Whitetails (video)

The www.GrowingDeer.tv team is preparing for deer hunting by getting boots on the ground and scouting for deer season!…
News & Tips: Deer Hunting Strategies: How to Tag a Hit List Buck  (video)...

Deer Hunting Strategies: How to Tag a Hit List Buck (video)

The GrowingDeer.tv team team shares tips for deer hunters in this video! How to  pattern and hunt a mature buck! See…
News & Tips: Deer Hunting Prep: Changing the Way We Hunt (video)...

Deer Hunting Prep: Changing the Way We Hunt (video)

From GrowingDeer.tv: They take their deer hunting strategies to new heights! Watch as the team puts the final touches…
News & Tips: Amazing Antlers! Keys To Age Bucks And Food Plot Facts  (video)...

Amazing Antlers! Keys To Age Bucks And Food Plot Facts (video)

From GrowingDeer.tv: There is more to aging a buck than antlers! Grant shares what to look for to age bucks. Then more…
News & Tips: Easy Food Plots and Deer Hunting Strategies  (video)...

Easy Food Plots and Deer Hunting Strategies (video)

The GrowingDeer.tv team shares an experiment with a new technique for planting food plots. It  paid off with very…