Dr. Grant Woods News & Tips

Grant Woods planning food plot location

Where to Put Food Plots: Advice to a Tennessee Hunter (video)

A Tennessee deer hunter has a property he's looking to improve for better deer hunting. Grant meets with him to review…
Deer in the woods

Scouting: Where Will the Deer be in the Early Season? (video)

Daniel shares deer hunting tips on scouting now for the best trail camera and hunting stand locations! See why one tree…
Grant Woods and team member in the field

Plant a Small Food Plot with Hand Tools! (video)

Small food plots are often great hunting locations. Check out these techniques to plant a hidey hole plot using hand…
Florida turkey hunter up next to a tree

Turkey Hunting: Tagging a Tom by Changing Decoy Strategies (video)

Reading turkey sign, making observations while you hunt, then applying that info in the next turkey hunt is an…
Several Florida hogs rooting in a clearing

Hunting Hogs - Spot 'n Stalk Hunts & Calling Henned Up Toms! (video)

Hogs down! Watch as Grant stalks within range of several hogs. There's arrows flying then the Wincherster XPR Hunter…
Grant Woods with two land owners in the buck habitat

Oklahoma Deer Habitat: New Plan for Even Bigger Deer!

Grant assisted Martin Smith during 2014 with a habitat plan to meet his and his sons hunting objectives. They…
Three deer hunters in blaze orange inspecting a buck one had shot

Buck Down & Food Plot Design Strategy (video)

Years ago Grant designed a food plot that's perfect for rut hunts. There's a long list of several good bucks tagged…
Mature buck standing alert on a hillside looking towards where he hears sound

We're Back on the Hunt for a Hit List Buck (video)

Deer hunting! We're back on the hunt for the hit list buck we call Slingshot! Plus, watch to the end to see a strategy…
Lady bow hunter in a tree in a treestand preparing for the hunt

Bow Hunting Deer: Cold Front Challenges & Creating a Bottleneck for Deer

Bow hunting! Bradley and Danny did a great job designing and executing a hunting plan for an 80 acre property. By…
Handful of sericea lespedeza in early growth stages, white-tailed deer will utilize this plant for food

Will Deer Eat This? How to Identify Native Plants

When creating better deer hunting habitat we all wonder...will deer eat this? In this video, 3 experts show us how to…
Graphic with one deer in field of soybeans for GrowingDeer.tv Episode #500

How We Changed An Old Rocky Farm Into a Deer Hunting Dream (video)

Deer hunting and habitat changes on our hunting grounds: For 500 episodes we've shared what we do at The Proving…
News & Tips: Spring Food Plots: Get Crop Benefits With the Buffalo Food Plot System (video)...

Spring Food Plots: Get Crop Benefits With the Buffalo Food Plot System (video)

We are always working to improve the food plots on The Proving Grounds. When we find what works, we pass it along to…