Don Sangster News & Tips

hunter using binoculars

How to Pick the Right Binoculars for You

On any big game hunting trip, and on many outings for small game and waterfowl as well, next to your rifle, shotgun or…
hunter in woods

11 Pieces of Hunting Gear You’re Probably Forgetting to De-Scent

Most hunters understand the importance of scent control and how to practice it when it comes to your body and hunting…
Hog photo by: RICK SLIVA

Five Reasons to Start Hog Hunting

Hog hunting is one of the fastest growing segments of the hunting world. If you've been hearing about it and have been…
Hunter ready to shoot rifle

Use This Rifle Caliber Chart to Pick the Right Ammo for Hunting

When I first started big game hunting, most serious hunters handloaded their own ammunition. This was because the…
News & Tips: Porro Prism or Roof Prism Binoculars: What is the Difference?...

Porro Prism or Roof Prism Binoculars: What is the Difference?

The selection of quality binoculars available at reasonable prices has never been greater. When shopping for a new set…
News & Tips: 3 Indoor Shooting Drills: Improve Your Accuracy Without Firing a Single Round...

3 Indoor Shooting Drills: Improve Your Accuracy Without Firing a Single Round

Practicing with your firearm and live ammunition—whether at a shooting range or in the field—is unquestionably the best…
News & Tips: What Argentina Doves Taught Me About Wingshooting...

What Argentina Doves Taught Me About Wingshooting

Although it might be a bit backward to make your first dove hunting trip a high-volume shoot in Argentina, there’s no…
News & Tips: The Camping Bucket List: 7 Destinations Every Adventurer Should Visit...

The Camping Bucket List: 7 Destinations Every Adventurer Should Visit

If you like to get away from it all, cook meals over an open flame, and lay in a sleeping bag under the stars, you’re…
News & Tips: The Big Fish Bucket List

The Big Fish Bucket List

6 Fishing Trips Every Angler Should Take in Their Lifetime   If you’ve dreamed of majestic scenery, screaming drag, and…
News & Tips: 6 Trips Every Hunter Should Take In Their Lifetime...

6 Trips Every Hunter Should Take In Their Lifetime

Here’s a to-do list you can actually look forward to making. Whether you hunt rabbits, ducks or deer, there’s no doubt…
News & Tips: Stay Put in Your Treestand with These 5 Tips...

Stay Put in Your Treestand with These 5 Tips

Many deer hunters don’t stay out all day, and that can be a mistake, especially during the rut. If you want to maximize…
News & Tips: Are You Taking These Precautions When Field Dressing Deer?...

Are You Taking These Precautions When Field Dressing Deer?

Rabbit hunters have long known that wild bunnies can carry diseases such as tularemia. Deer hunters have been hearing…