David Lee News & Tips

News & Tips: Advantages of Hunting Public Land Turkeys...

Advantages of Hunting Public Land Turkeys

Most hunters shy away from the state and federal lands due to the fear of hunting pressure and shorter seasons…
News & Tips: Don't Break The First Rule of Big Game Hunting...

Don't Break The First Rule of Big Game Hunting

How often have we as hunters sat in our deer stand, wind blowing the wrong direction, hoping that the animals won’t…
News & Tips: The Versatile Air Rifle for Small Game Hunting...

The Versatile Air Rifle for Small Game Hunting

I was very fortunate to grow up with a pellet rifle in my hands. Some of my fondest memories were going up north to my…
News & Tips: Spearfishing: Take Your Hunt Underwater...

Spearfishing: Take Your Hunt Underwater

My wife, Lisa, and I have been heading to the Florida Keys for a decade to enjoy our annual vacations. After a few…
News & Tips: Catch World Class Walleye in the Annual Migration Route & Spawning Grounds of Lake Erie...

Catch World Class Walleye in the Annual Migration Route & Spawning Grounds of Lake Erie

Throughout January, February, and March many dedicated walleye fishermen traverse hundreds of miles of ice tracking the…
News & Tips: Western Treestand Tactics

Western Treestand Tactics

During a recent conversation with a friend, the subject of western big game came up. I was told by my whitetail-…
News & Tips: The Muskie Bite Is On!

The Muskie Bite Is On!

Every time I leave the launch on Lake St. Clair, I can't help stopping to wonder why more people don't take advantage…
News & Tips: Reflections on Past Hunting Seasons

Reflections on Past Hunting Seasons

Year after year, I’ve sat in my deer stand for hours on end, inevitably wondering what draws me to the woods each fall…
News & Tips: Black Out Hub Hunting Blind - Tested & Approved!...

Black Out Hub Hunting Blind - Tested & Approved!

When I received my new BlackOut hub style ground blind, I was extremely impressed with the ease of operation. Within…
News & Tips: Evolution of a Hunter

Evolution of a Hunter

I would have never thought that on Dec. 26, of all days, I would come face to face with my nemesis. The buck I'd been…
News & Tips: Muskie Bob

Muskie Bob

A few months ago, I was visiting the Bass Pro Shop in Auburn Hills. The store managers, Tom and Greg, and I were…
News & Tips: Keeping In Tune With Bowfishing

Keeping In Tune With Bowfishing

The end of each archery season seems to leave us with the "what if" syndrome: “What if I let him take one more step?” “…