Hunting Women of the Woods
She brings home the venison. You fry it up in a pan. That's just the way it is.
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She brings home the venison. You fry it up in a pan. That's just the way it is.
No rabbits. No woodcocks. No quail. The coverts we hunted proved barren on a recent hunt in east Arkansas' Pine Tree Wildlife Management Area. After four hours of brush-busting, we loaded up and headed home, frustrated and empty-handed.
As deer hunters, we strive for quick, one-shot kills. Unfortunately things sometimes just don't work out that way, and an animal runs off after the shot. Here are some tips to help you recover your animal. Although I will use deer as a reference in this two-part blog, these tips really apply to any big game animal.
Hunting isn’t immune from the mobile technology revolution.
I've been fortunate enough to spend a considerable amount of time over the years with hunting guides in a number of states and provinces, and also Africa.
A guide to helping your little lady learn about archery hunting
Sugar and spice and everything nice—that's what little girls are made of. Well, that and field points, caliper releases, and blazer vanes.
I've been fortunate enough to spend a considerable amount of time over the years with hunting guides in a number of states and provinces and also Africa. This has allowed me to gain a bit of insight into to how to maximize the enjoyment of the time you spend together, and maybe also the amount of success you have. In this two-part blog, I'll offer 10 tips. Here are the first five...
Like it or not, the practice of leasing hunting land is increasing rapidly in the United States. However, you don't need a trust fund or a six-figure salary to get into a hunting lease. You will need to evaluate your needs, hunting styles, time requirements, and the amount you are willing to spend in order to ensure the best fit.
What Types of Hunting Leases are Available?
When I received my new BlackOut hub style ground blind, I was extremely impressed with the ease of operation.
In almost any small town across the US, there are a few things you can count on. Neighbors help each other. You will almost always meet someone you know at the grocery store. Lots of guys hunt. And many of their wives or girlfriends don’t.