Habitats & Food Plots

Choosing Food Plot Forages

Forage is a crop grown for an animal; in the food plot business it is a crop grown for white-tailed deer. Twenty years ago, purchasing food plot seed was simple. There was clover and there was — clover. Not so today. There are literally hundreds of whitetail forages out there to choose from.

How to Create a Mineral Lick for Deer

With deer seasons closed, there are lots of habitat alterations you can make that will improve the health of the whitetail herd in your area. One of the easiest and most rewarding is to create a mineral lick. The goal of a lick is to provide vital minerals and vitamins to deer and other wildlife species that might be lacking in the foods they normally eat.

Think Spring, Think Food Plots

With spring on its way it's time to begin thinking about planting food plots. Food plots provide deer and other wildlife with excellent nutrition and lots of it. Most wildlife experts would like to see around 3 of a property put into food plots with 5 percent being even better.

Winter Coyote Hunt & Tips for Frost Seeding Food Plots

As a huge snow front sweeps across the Midwest, we team up with the guys from Winchester ammo and try to pound some predators! Then we head back to The Proving Grounds to take advantage of the snowfall and do a little frost seeding. Join us as we turn up the heat in this week's episode!


From GrowingDeer.tv
Grant Woods