Healthy Choices: How to Stay Healthy in Hunting Camp
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If you’re like me, you detest the thought of going to the gym. The only thing that’s worse is paying the outrageous monthly fees. I tried this once and felt more guilt than good health from my membership’s lack of use. Rural living can make it even more difficult to access a fitness center. Being an avid outdoorsman, I am proud to say that the nearest elliptical machine is no less than 25 miles away. Regardless of this handicap, I still manage to stay in shape with a few easy, and rather fun, cardio and muscular workouts.
We spend countless hours — and much of our paychecks — on outdoor activities like hunting and fishing. So when we get to a remote location, the last thing we need is to feel too winded and worn out to enjoy it.
I've long dreamed of a mountain hunt for mule deer somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. If I'm able to draw a tag, that dream will hopefully become a reality someday in western Wyoming.
Just before this past Christmas I suffered a bout of near-debilitating back pain. For many days I had trouble sleeping, walking or even just standing up straight, and I had to undergo medical treatment several times a week. Fortunately this happened after I had wrapped up all my deer hunting for the year, but it made me shudder to think what would have happened if this had hit me while I was away on one of my various far-from-home deer hunts this past season.
Deer season can be a great test -- a test of your tracking