Bowhunting: Practice on These 9 Real World Hunting Situations
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With hunting season rapidly approaching, most serious bow hunters are shooting frequently, if not every day. That means that their bow strings are getting a workout too.
A successful hunt falls on lessons learned and how you apply that to the next hunt. It's also about preparation, whether scouting or talking with land owners early in the year. Remember, the early bird gets the worm.
Critiquing Last Season
The summer months are a busy time for serious hunters who don't want to be rushing to get ready for the hunt when the season rolls around. I like to go through my hunting check list at least three months before the bow hunting season for deer. It's probably not too different for you.
With that in mind, here are some basic things every bow hunter should be considering now in preparation for the hunting season:
Whether you're looking to go deer or turkey hunting with a bow, wanting to learn how to bowfish or just want to learn archery skills, using the right technique is the most important thing you can do.
As I said in previous blogs, traditional archery success is based largely on confidence in your ability. You get that from loosing thousands of arrows in various circumstances, the high majority of which hit the mark.
There are many good shot angles that will allow a bowhunter to humanely take a wild turkey. For broadside, head-on or angling away shots, I draw an imaginary line midway between where both legs meet the body to the base of the neck. Then, I pick a spot halfway up that line. If you hit that point, you will have put an arrow in the boiler room of a turkey.
Last year while sitting in a natural ground blind with longbow in hand, a young whitetail buck approa