Ice Fishing

Ice fishing gear, supplies, equipment, how to tips, articles, videos, ice fishing pictures l Bass Pro Shops & Cabela's

Anglers, Start Your Augers, It's Ice Fishing Time (video)

Get your sled packed and start your auger—it’s time to hit the hard water and go ice fishing.

At first ice, you’ll find the fish relaxed and concentrated on prime spots. They’ll be eager to bite as they haven’t been hassled for several months and they’ve regrouped.

Get Your Ice Fishing Tip-Ups Ready To Rock

With hard water right around the corner, now is the perfect time to start getting the ice fishing gear ready to rock. Unfortunately many anglers tend to neglect their gear, especially tip-ups. This can lead to the all too familiar broken line as the fish reaches the hole or missed strikes due to poorly lubricated moving parts. Here's a few tips to help take your tip-up game to the next level and get them ready to slam fish all season long.

Late Season Ice Fishing for Panfish

The last period of safe ice typically offers some of the best ice fishing of the year for panfish like bluegill and crappie.  For crappies in particular, we often find fish shallow and the fish can often be fairly aggressive.  The locations to find crappies is often a matter of connecting the dots.  On most lakes and flowages, crappies will suspend out over holes and basins through much of the winter.  Crappies will than set up in shallow protected bays, marinas and creek ar

Ice Fishing: Don't Let Lack of Equipment Curb Your Passion for the Sport

One of the cool aspects about ice fishing is that it is an easy sport to get into. A person can get involved with very little gear – can walk to fishing spots – and can grow their arsenal of fishing tackle and gear at a pace that is comfortable for their pocket book. Never let a lack of a few pieces of equipment dampen your passion for this great sport

Greenbackin' on the Ice for Lethargic Fish

I've had many folks ask me how I got into fishing and how I learned the tricks to compete successfully at high-level, professional tournaments. Although my dad always took me and my brother fishing as youngsters, my true education came about as I got older. There are always many "educators" who play big parts in our lives. As it turns out, a little help is always needed from our friends.