Fishing Knot Library: How to Tie the Albright Special Fishing Knot
How-to-tie fishing line: Albright Knot Instructions
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Fishing knots, how to tips, step-by-step guides, articles, videos, fishing knot pictures l Bass Pro Shops & Cabela's
The Two-Turn Clinch has been around since the turn of the century. It's stronger than the Improved Clinch and almost as easy to tie.
Learn how to tie fishing line and choose the best fishing knots to tie hooks, lures and fishing rigs.
The Improved Clinch is very easy to tie, which is the main reason it's so popular for connecting monofilament to terminal tackle. It's most effective on lines under 20-pound test.
Step-by-step instructions on using the Uni-Knot to snell a hook.
Strong, reliable and easy to tie, the Uni-Knot is an excellent knot for securing line to terminal tackle. It's also the foundation of the entire Uni-Knot system.