
Fishing Tips: All things fishing, freshwater, saltwater, ice fishing, bass, trout, catfish walleye, fishing tackle & more | Bass Pro Shops & Cabela's

Texas Swordfish Breakdown

The uninitiated or the landlocked might be surprised to learn that Texas is inhabited by dinosaurs. Equipped with long, sharp-edged bills and prominent, angular fins that protrude from every side of their powerful bodies, it’s easy to imagine the swordfish as some type of Jurassic monster. Growing to two, three and four hundred pounds (and sometimes quite a bit larger), these fish are among the ocean’s most powerful and awe-inspiring residents.

Top 7 Fishing Apps for IOS and Android

Fishing season is here and there is no better time to embrace new tools and technology to maximize your fishing success. These seven fishing apps offer logbooks, maps, weather features and more. Consider some of these best fishing apps to maximize your success the next time you’re out on the water.

By Cabela's Staff

Essential Clamming Gear for the Pacific Northwest

Clamming is very cost-effective, requiring minimal gear. Many people already have the gear needed to clam successfully, and with the purchase of a shellfish or clamming license, that’s all that’s needed to have a fun day.

Here’s a look at the gear a clammer might find useful from Alaska, through British Columbia, along the Washington and Oregon coasts, down to California. Along this vast stretch of coastline lies a wide-range of habitats and conditions, along with a variety of clams to be pursued.