Train Your Gun Dog on the Bucket Drill
Train Your Retriever to Recover More Cripples with the Bucket Drill
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Train Your Retriever to Recover More Cripples with the Bucket Drill
Learn how to incorporate a simple casting drill in your retriever training regimen. This drill will allow for better control o
Rick Flippen demonstrates the place board drill with his lab Chief.
Ready to begin training your hunting dog but don't know where to start?
The heel drill is one of the foundational lessons you should start with when training your gun dog. Rick Flippen and his Briti
Watch Rick Flippen and his British Lab Chief demonstrate the All-In-One dog training drill. This drill focuses on operant trai
The start of phase two of operant gundog training using positive reinforcement.
Rick Flippen (Flip), and his gundog Chief teach water retrieving drills from a place board incorporating d
Rick Flippen and his British Lab Chief work a fence line at Chattokee Lodge in NE Alabama for series on GO Gundog training for