
Grant Woods planning food plot location

Where to Put Food Plots: Advice to a Tennessee Hunter (video)

July 27, 2020
A Tennessee deer hunter has a property he's looking to improve for better deer hunting. Grant meets with him to review the property and share tips and ideas for improving the habitat. This video…
Deer in the woods

Scouting: Where Will the Deer be in the Early Season? (video)

July 15, 2020
Daniel shares deer hunting tips on scouting now for the best trail camera and hunting stand locations! See why one tree may be the hot spot in the forest for a better tasting and more abundant source…
Family camping in a tent in an open area

Before You Camp, Use This Guide for Handy Tips & Trusted Gear

July 2, 2020
This camping guide will be covering the basics of how to camp, focusing on the essential camping gear you'll want for a memorable outdoor experience. 4 Things to Plan for the Best Camping Trip 1.…
Family at camp cooking over a campfire

A Guide to Campfire Cooking Basics (video)

June 24, 2020
In this how-to guide, the theme is on the basics of camp cooking and the equipment and supplies you will need to make great meals over the campfire as a family. How You Can Have the Perfect Camp…
Hunter setting up game camera

Trail Camera Tips with Mark Peterson (video)

June 23, 2020
4 Things to Always Remember When Scouting With Trail Cameras 1. Camera Direction Trail cameras can be very sensitive to sunlight making the camera direction key. Always try and avoid placing the…
Grant Woods and team member in the field

Plant a Small Food Plot with Hand Tools! (video)

June 19, 2020
Small food plots are often great hunting locations. Check out these techniques to plant a hidey hole plot using hand tools! Lots of details to help you create your next hunting hot spot! At…
Tent on the river

Tent Buyer's Guide

June 11, 2020
No matter if you're staying at your favorite campground or deep in the backcountry, your tent is your home away from home. And the right tent can make your stay more enjoyable. Whether this is your…
Dog trainer with Irish Setter

5 Ideas to Help Your Dog & You With a Remote Training Collar (video)

May 8, 2020
Forty years ago, remote training dog collars were called shock collars, and rightly so. The first collars had one level of stimulation, and it was high. The next generation of dog training collars…
Couple in two kayak on a lake

Basic Guide to Kayaking for Beginners (video)

April 24, 2020
According to the Outdoor Industry Association participation report in 2018, 22.9 million Americans, or 7.6 percent of the U.S. population, took to rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans to participate in…
Two hikers on a mountain

Beginner's Guide to Safe Hiking Tips & the Best Gear (video)

April 24, 2020
In this how-to program we will focus on hiking and all of the basic skills and hiking equipment, clothing and boots you will need to have for a great new outdoor experience with friends and family.…
Florida turkey hunter up next to a tree

Turkey Hunting: Tagging a Tom by Changing Decoy Strategies (video)

April 19, 2020
Reading turkey sign, making observations while you hunt, then applying that info in the next turkey hunt is an effective technique no matter where you chase turkeys! Watch this turkey hunt where…
Several Florida hogs rooting in a clearing

Hunting Hogs - Spot 'n Stalk Hunts & Calling Henned Up Toms! (video)

April 15, 2020
Hogs down! Watch as Grant stalks within range of several hogs. There's arrows flying then the Wincherster XPR Hunter Bolt-Action 350 Legend rifle dropped another one like a rock! Then checkout Clay's…