target shooters


There’s More to Firearm Laser Sights Than Meets the Eye

December 19, 2019
More and more people are seeing the value of weapon lights like the Crimson Trace Rail Master Pro Universal Laser Sight with Tactical Light and laser sights for their firearms. Laser sight-equipped…
Best plinking targets and teaching kids to shoot

Plinking Practice Makes Perfect

June 25, 2019
Plinking, named for the sound a bullet makes when hitting metal, has been popular since the invention of the gun. It's a good bet most of us got our start shooting a BB or pellet gun at a row of cans…
olympic trapshooter corey cogdell

Olympian's Solid Shooting Lessons Learned in 4-H

June 25, 2019
With a competitive record as decorated as hers, Corey Cogdell hardly needs an introduction. She's earned many of the highest accolades in trapshooting, including two National Championship titles and…

Long Range Shooting

June 24, 2019
Are you interested in long-range shooting? Is one of your biggest goals to successfully shoot paper targets, steel targets, and even varmints, predators and big-game animals from distances of up to 1…
News & Tips: 7 Christmas Gift Guides for Every Outdoor Enthusiast on Your List...

7 Christmas Gift Guides for Every Outdoor Enthusiast on Your List

November 26, 2014
Are you building a wish list or shopping for someone who didn’t provide one?  We have the perfect solution! Find Christmas gift ideas in guides specific to hunters, anglers, target shooters, campers…
News & Tips: Plinking Targets Helps Develop Skills – And is Also Really Fun!...

Plinking Targets Helps Develop Skills – And is Also Really Fun!

June 3, 2014
According to a report from the National Shooting Sports Foundations, there are more target shooters in America than there are people in New York state. I'm not surprised. Target shooting, or informal…
News & Tips: How Wildlife is Thriving Because of Guns & Hunting (infographic)...

How Wildlife is Thriving Because of Guns & Hunting (infographic)

March 27, 2014
Bass Pro is spreading the message that the conservation of America's wildlife and lands benefits all who love the outdoors. In this post, is an infographic created by the National Shooting Sports…
News & Tips: A Guide to Arrow Rests for Hunting and Target Archery...

A Guide to Arrow Rests for Hunting and Target Archery

June 24, 2013
If you shoot a compound bow, you know that your arrow rest is an integral component. You might have even found out the hard way that there's a world of difference between a good and a bad one.   …