Shed Hunting


Tips on Springtime Shed Hunting

March 7, 2019
By Tom Nelson The still frozen ground crunched beneath my feet as I walked yet another heavily used deer trail beat down with hoofed tracks. The early March weather was typical for Michigan with the…
News & Tips: 6 Easy Tips for Shed Hunting Success (video)...

6 Easy Tips for Shed Hunting Success (video)

January 23, 2018
In most areas of the country, hunting season has officially come to a close. Many hunters have resigned themselves to a few months of laying on the couch or tinkering in the garage—dreaming of that…
News & Tips: After Antlers: Shed Hunting Time

After Antlers? Tips for Shed Hunting Time

March 12, 2014
Some consider the pursuit as an Easter Egg hunt for hunters and as a great cure for cabin fever; whatever your reason for heading outdoors to hunt shed antlers, it's always a good time. Finding a big…
News & Tips: Shed Hunting: Tips for Finding More

Shed Hunting: Tips for Finding More

December 20, 2013
When deer hunting season is about to wrap up, that signifies the beginning of my annual shed hunt. Word came through today that a big buck was spotted close to home sporting only one antler. They are…
News & Tips: Deer Shed Antlers & EHD Disease

Deer Shed Antlers & EHD Disease

February 18, 2013
More dead bucks discovered and Dr. Woods shows how to learn stuff from the It's the time of year to hunt for shed antlers but we're finding them the tough way here at the Proving…