
News & Tips: Jerk Fishing for Crappie

Jerk Fishing for Crappie

March 4, 2015
Want to try something a little different when crappie fishing this spring? Try jerking for them. Jerking is a technique that’s been used in some parts of the country for quite a few years but is just…
News & Tips: Late Season Ice Fishing for Panfish

Late Season Ice Fishing for Panfish

March 3, 2015
The last period of safe ice typically offers some of the best ice fishing of the year for panfish like bluegill and crappie.  For crappies in particular, we often find fish shallow and the fish can…
News & Tips: Great Ice Fishing Buys for Under $5

Great Ice Fishing Buys for Under $5

January 7, 2015
Don’t let an empty bank account keep you from a great hard water outing.  These items can make all the difference on tough days, and at under $5 each you can still afford to pack some beverages!…
News & Tips: 4 Panfish Ice Baits You Need

4 Panfish Ice Baits You Need

December 1, 2014
The big profile of the Rapala Jigging Rap and wide, gliding action are the ticket to trophy slabs and jumbo perch.For those of us in the North Country, ice fishing is just around the corner. The…
News & Tips: 4 Tips for Sight-Fishing Crappie

4 Tips for Sight-Fishing Crappie

November 21, 2014
Bright baits like the Bass Pro Shops Marabou Crappie Jig are the ticket for sight fishing for crappie. Try glow, white, chartreuse and other vibrant patterns. Metallic lures also give off good…
News & Tips: 3 Reasons to Fish Fast for Panfish

3 Reasons to Fish Fast for Panfish

September 8, 2014
While there is a time and place for slow presentations for panfish, I'm here to tell you that fishing fast is a great way to catch more and bigger sunfish, crappie and yellow perch. Reason 1: It…
News & Tips: 3 Ways to Catch the Neglected Rock Bass...

3 Ways to Catch the Neglected Rock Bass

July 24, 2014
The lowly rock bass won’t win many popularity contests among anglers. These fish are not sleek and powerful like a landlocked striper. They don’t jump like a belligerent bass or streak through the…
News & Tips: Panfish: Strike Indicators & Wet Fly Rigs That Work...

Panfish: Strike Indicators & Wet Fly Rigs That Work

July 23, 2014
Every now and then I get the urge to catch a mess of panfish for a fish fry. Where I live that generally means rock bass, which are in abundance. In fact, they’re common enough to be considered a…
News & Tips: 5 Easy Ways to Make the Most of Summer Bluegill Fishing...

5 Easy Ways to Make the Most of Summer Bluegill Fishing

July 17, 2014
Outdoor types consider bluegill fishing as American as apple pie and baseball. Many anglers had their passion fired by first catching the ubiquitous bluegill, the most striking member of the sunfish…
News & Tips: 10 Proven Tactics to Score More Summer Panfish...

10 Proven Tactics to Score More Summer Panfish

July 11, 2014
No fish are more appealing to go after on a hot summer day than panfish. Unlike bass, trout and stripers, which can sometimes be difficult to catch, species like crappies, bluegills and white bass…
News & Tips: 6 Easy How-To Steps to Fillet Bass, Crappie & Perch (infographic)...

6 Easy How-To Steps to Fillet Bass, Crappie & Perch (infographic)

June 20, 2014
Panfish aka: bluegills, sunfish, crappies, bream, perch, shell crackers, pumpkinseeds, slabs and even smaller walleyes are called "pan" fish for a reason. Properly filleted and fried, they eat s-o-o-…
News & Tips: Tips for Crappie Lure Colors

Tips for Crappie Lure Colors

June 16, 2014
Lure color is important when it comes to catching crappie. Sometimes, only one color will catch fish; other times several colors work. But sorry folks, there are no precise rules to follow. Carry a…