
News & Tips: Introduce Your Kids to Camping with Backyard Campouts...

Introduce Your Kids to Camping with Backyard Campouts

May 30, 2014
The tent shook almost as badly as we were. My brother, cousin and I could hear the creature circling the tent, stalking its prey. Eventually the beast approached the tent door. Peeking out from my…
News & Tips: Field & Stream Cover Features Woman for First Time in 38 Years...

Field & Stream Cover Features Woman for First Time in 38 Years

April 16, 2014
We love to see women getting more involved in the outdoors and one more piece of evidence that it's happening emerged this week: Field & Stream's May 2014 cover features a woman for the first…
News & Tips: Don’t Let a Campfire Become a Wildfire...

Don’t Let a Campfire Become a Wildfire

January 24, 2014
Pulled over to the side of the park road, I was gazing at several charred tree trunks flanking a specific campsite. The fire-blackened space covered the area of about three average-sized houses. A…
News & Tips: Wildlife Photography: On the Edge

Wildlife Photography: On the Edge

December 6, 2013
Watching wildlife while camping or hiking is always entertaining to some degree. Catching a few wild critters in action with a camera adds to the fun, and possibly, more the reason to get out on a…
News & Tips: Coyote Camp

Coyote Camp

November 22, 2013
I slipped out of the tent to greet the new day that was dressed in fog. The first task was to get a campfire going in the stone ring, so breakfast and coffee could be prepared. The crackling sound…
News & Tips: Preparing for a Camping Dinner Date

Preparing for a Camping Dinner Date

November 20, 2013
With the perks of a front-row stargazing seat and distance from the hustle and bustle of life, there’s nothing quite as romantic as an evening spent in the great outdoors with your sweetheart. A…
News & Tips: How to Survive a Bite from a Wild Animal...

How to Survive a Bite from a Wild Animal

November 19, 2013
When hunting, fishing, hiking or engaging in other outdoor sports, the opportunity arises for us to observe and be near wild animals. These can be great experiences; however, along with those…
cold weather mom and son

Hats and Gear to Heat Your Head

November 7, 2013
Most outdoors enthusiasts have heard statements about the amount of heat lost through one's head if left uncovered in cold conditions. Granted, if you leave any part of your body exposed to low…
News & Tips: 5 Tips for Camping with Toddlers

5 Tips for Camping with Toddlers

October 8, 2013
Camping is among the most fun activities to embark upon as a family. Over time, it can become a time-honored tradition passed down throughout generations. To create that rich legacy, it's important…
News & Tips: How to Protect Yourself from West Nile Virus (video)...

How to Protect Yourself from West Nile Virus (video)

October 7, 2013
When summer is gone, and fall is here many outdoors enthusiasts trade a fishing rod for a hunting rifle and muggy mornings on the lake for cooler mornings in the woods. One thing that doesn't change…
News & Tips: Electronics at Camp?

Electronics at Camp?

September 20, 2013
As a father of two kids just out of their teenage years, I have fresh scars from "no electronics at camp" battles. For me, and my wife and kiddos, camping time was and is devoted to interaction with…
News & Tips: Create a Happy Teenage Camper

Create a Happy Teenage Camper

September 13, 2013
"Set the hook!" I barked, as the bluegill pulled my daughter's bobber under. With a quick jerk the fish was caught. She battled the panfish to shore where I took a few photos and presented a kiss to…