
News & Tips: Travel Blog: Fishing Small Tarpon in Campeche, Mexico...

Travel Blog: Fishing Small Tarpon in Campeche, Mexico

July 15, 2014
Campeche, Mexico, has some great tarpon fishing. Here's what you need to know about traveling and fishing in this tourist destination. Firstly, all of the reputed bad press about cartels and criminal…
News & Tips: Late Season Tactics for Ocellated Turkey...

Late Season Tactics for Ocellated Turkey

April 12, 2013
Chills ran up my spine as sweat trickled down the small of my back. The chills erupted at the first predawn "singing" of el pavo ocellated, the ocellated turkey of Campeche, Mexico. Sweat beaded down…
News & Tips: Travel Blog: Boca Paila Lodge

Travel Blog: Boca Paila Lodge

April 9, 2013
My travel plans to the Yucatan — especially Quintana Roo State, which includes the stretch from Cancun south to Belize — have never been clouded by personal concerns about the crime or violence so…
News & Tips: Headed for Tarpon Town

Headed for Tarpon Town

February 6, 2013
The discovery and unfolding of a prolific baby tarpon fishery on the west coast of the Yucatan peninsula had been going on for a few years, and I was anxious to experience what all the buzz was about…