Hunting Tip

Turkey hunter sitting next to tree shooting at 3 turkeys

Is a 20 Gauge Shotgun Enough for Turkey Hunting? (video)

February 1, 2020
For many years, the 3-inch, 12-gauge ruled the roost with turkey hunters, but with the introduction of the 3 1/2-inch shell, the 12-gauge upped the ante with a whopping 2 3/8-ounce payload of shot.…
Hunter ready to shoot rifle

Use This Rifle Caliber Chart to Pick the Right Ammo for Hunting

November 14, 2019
When I first started big game hunting, most serious hunters handloaded their own ammunition. This was because the quality of the factory-loaded ammunition that was available was not always of the…
3 Bow Hunters dressed in camo standing together with binoculars scouting prey

Get Your Hunting Bow Ready: Pre-Season Checklist (infographic)

September 12, 2019
Bow hunting season is almost here! Are you ready? Have you been practicing as much as you should? Are the hunting tree stands and deer stands hung with care? Are your camo hunting clothes carefully…
 Best treestand tools to keep you safe plus two how-to videos

It’s Time to Hang Those Hunting Tree Stands: Best Tools to Keep Safe (video)

September 10, 2019
The back half of summer is here! It won’t be long and there will be a night when the temperature and humidity both drop, and in the morning that faint, distant whiff of fall will be in the air. It’s…
News & Tips: How Mowing Your Lawn Can Make You a Better Bowhunter...

How Mowing Your Lawn Can Make You a Better Bowhunter

May 14, 2019
Mowing the Lawn is Actually a Great Way to Keep in Prime Bowhunting Form At first the buzz was faint, but as the afternoon warmed, the rumble seemed to come from every direction.  Was it a swarm of…
News & Tips: 15 Turkey Vest Essentials (Checklist)

15 Turkey Vest Essentials (Checklist)

May 6, 2019
The purpose of a turkey vest is to securely, comfortably, and accessibly carry the essential gear needed for turkey hunting.  In selecting “essentials” there often seems to be a miniature Boy Scout…
News & Tips: How to Hunt Turkeys That Don't Gobble

How to Hunt Turkeys That Don't Gobble (video)

March 3, 2019
The sound — or lack of sounds — was frustrating to say the least. A gobbler that I had in my sights roosted the evening before had simply glanced around him in the faint morning's daylight, and then…
Rabbit sitting in the brush

Rabbit Hunting 101

February 27, 2019
There's no doubt about it: chasing rabbits is fantastic sport. Hunting cottontails may lack the sudden explosiveness of quail hunting or the mesmerism of a green-timber mallard hunt at dawn, but it…
Turkeys strutting

Turkey Hunting for Windy Weather Gobblers

February 4, 2019
On a clear, calm day from a prominent ridge you can hear a turkey gobble a mile away. But how many clear, calm days do you encounter during spring turkey season? A few, yes. But quite often,…
News & Tips: 5 Reasons to Hunt Squirrel & 12 Practical and Essential Hunting Tips...

5 Reasons to Hunt Squirrel & 12 Practical and Essential Hunting Tips

January 25, 2019
While their popularity has slipped in recent years with the rise in deer and turkey numbers, many sportsmen still pursue gray and fox squirrels, especially as deer seasons wind down in winter.…
coyote hunter on hill shooting

Hunters! Are Coyotes Not Responding? Maybe it's Your Set Up

January 4, 2019
The popularity of calling in wildlife predators in the last few years, specifically coyotes is fast becoming one of the top hunting categories. Calling coyotes is an exciting, adrenaline rush…
News & Tips: The Hunter's Guide to Social Media

The Hunter's Guide to Social Media

December 20, 2018
There are few moments more rewarding to the big game hunter: you’ve finally taken that trophy buck or bull and a little bragging to your buddies is in order. Long gone, however, are the days of the…