hunting gear

hunter using binoculars

How to Pick the Right Binoculars for You

October 14, 2020
On any big game hunting trip, and on many outings for small game and waterfowl as well, next to your rifle, shotgun or bow, a good pair of binoculars may be the most important piece of equipment you…
bottom of boot

Inside Cabela's Feature Packed Hunting Boots

October 6, 2020
Experience the Total Hunting Boot Performance That Gives You a Maximum Hunting Edge The Cabela's Treadfast BOA GORE-TEX Insulated Hunting Boot for Men is tough, yet lightweight with 600-denier…

Inside the Duck Hunter's Blind Bag

September 22, 2020
All the Hunting Essentials You’ll Need for a Day of Waterfowling Back in the day, duck hunters didn’t carry blind bags into the field. I know my pop, now 75, and I didn’t. And the reason was…
hunter on ATV

8 Must-Have Items to Outfit Your ATV for Hunting

September 17, 2020
ATVs are a popular tool for modern hunters. Part pack mule, part truck, part tractor – ATVs have so many uses that many hunters won’t go afield without one. Outfitting one to fit your needs is part…
A selection of hunting knives

Hunting Knife Buyer's Guide: What You Need to Know

July 30, 2020
When I was 12 years old, my grandmother gave me a beautiful fixed-blade hunting knife in a leather sheath that had belonged to my grandfather. I was just learning to hunt then, and that knife became…
Turkey hunter sitting next to tree shooting at 3 turkeys

Is a 20 Gauge Shotgun Enough for Turkey Hunting? (video)

February 1, 2020
For many years, the 3-inch, 12-gauge ruled the roost with turkey hunters, but with the introduction of the 3 1/2-inch shell, the 12-gauge upped the ante with a whopping 2 3/8-ounce payload of shot.…
Whitetail Rifle Hunting Gear

Essential Gear for a Whitetail Rifle Hunt

January 19, 2020
There are some pieces of gear that you just cannot hunt without. The author walks through his favorite gear and explains why he considers them essentials for a whitetail rifle hunt. By Mat Brost…
Hunter ready to shoot rifle

Use This Rifle Caliber Chart to Pick the Right Ammo for Hunting

November 14, 2019
When I first started big game hunting, most serious hunters handloaded their own ammunition. This was because the quality of the factory-loaded ammunition that was available was not always of the…
deer hunting in field

How to Choose Your Whitetail Cartridge (infographic)

October 23, 2019
Whether you’re choosing your first or your fifteenth deer rifle, there are lots of decisions to be made. And with all the numbers describing the various deer rifle calibers and corresponding ammo,…
3 Bow Hunters dressed in camo standing together with binoculars scouting prey

Get Your Hunting Bow Ready: Pre-Season Checklist (infographic)

September 12, 2019
Bow hunting season is almost here! Are you ready? Have you been practicing as much as you should? Are the hunting tree stands and deer stands hung with care? Are your camo hunting clothes carefully…
rubber boots next to tree

Rubber Boots Buyer's Guide

September 11, 2019
Rubber boots have evolved from all-purpose "mucking-around" rain boots to highly engineered hunting boots, work boots and even snake boots. They offer an edge over traditional hunting boots because…
 Best treestand tools to keep you safe plus two how-to videos

It’s Time to Hang Those Hunting Tree Stands: Best Tools to Keep Safe (video)

September 10, 2019
The back half of summer is here! It won’t be long and there will be a night when the temperature and humidity both drop, and in the morning that faint, distant whiff of fall will be in the air. It’s…