Hunting Clothing

A bow hunter in camo clothing

Bowhunters: 3 Reasons Quality Hunting Clothing Improves the Hunt

September 16, 2019
A serious bowhunter knows that as fall season arrives, the time to be in a tree stand has come. All the while, he or she is hoping to harvest a trophy buck as well. To achieve this goal, one must…
Guide to dressing for warmth

50 Campfires Answers 6 Common Questions About Dressing for Cold Weather

November 17, 2017
While it seems like dressing in layers for cold weather is a simple process, each year people ask the same questions. Do I really lose more heat from my head? How exactly does wind chill affect me?…
News & Tips: It’s Christmas and Hunting Season on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio...

It’s Christmas and Hunting Season on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio

November 11, 2015
Join host Rob Keck this week on Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Radio. for an exclusive inside peak of Santa’s Wonderland. Tune  in on Saturday, November 14, 2015 at 10 a.m.  and 5 p.m. ET on RURAL…
News & Tips: Be the Deadliest Hunter with New Scent Lok Clothing...

Be the Deadliest Hunter with New Scent Lok Clothing

June 2, 2015
The 2015 hunting season is just around the corner, and with a new season typically comes new clothing and this year is no exception.  The new Scent Lok Savannah Crosshair an early season system,…
News & Tips: High-Tech Hunting Gear Every Backcountry Hunter Secretly Wants...

High-Tech Hunting Gear Every Backcountry Hunter Secretly Wants

November 15, 2014
From the time humans started hunting for food, they have been improving technology to increase their chance of success.  We each develop our own creed as to what works for us. A Garmin handheld GPS…
News & Tips: Stay Put in Your Treestand with These 5 Tips...

Stay Put in Your Treestand with These 5 Tips

November 14, 2014
Many deer hunters don’t stay out all day, and that can be a mistake, especially during the rut. If you want to maximize your time in the field, and your chances of tagging a trophy, here are some…
Hunter with downed elk

7 Must Haves for DIY Big Game Hunters on a Budget

November 7, 2014
If you want to go western big game hunting but must stick to a budget, the following tips will help you stay comfortable and hopefully fill your freezer. Don’t skimp on hunting optics. These days,…
News & Tips: Booked Your Caribou Hunt? Now Make Sure You Have This Gear...

Booked Your Caribou Hunt? Now Make Sure You Have This Gear

June 20, 2014
  Caribou inhabit some of the most deceptively rugged country in North America. From a distance, the tundra looks flat and featureless, but as soon as you set foot on it you quickly realize that…
Man wearing head net

How to Protect Yourself Against Biting and Stinging Bugs

November 1, 2013
Dealing with insects is a given for anglers and hunters as our activities regularly put us in bad bug situations. West Nile virus, Lyme disease and allergic-reaction-causing stings are all potential…
News & Tips: Picking the Right Camo

Picking the Right Camo

October 8, 2013
Camouflage hunting clothing is hugely popular across North America, especially among bowhunters and those who hunt waterfowl, turkeys and predators. Waterfowl and turkeys are able to see colors,…
News & Tips: Favorite Fall Hunting Clothing

Favorite Fall Hunting Clothing

August 24, 2013
If you're in need of new boots or camouflage clothing for this fall I've recently tested two offerings that I can highly recommend. Both come from well-established companies that have produced many…
News & Tips: Dove Hunting Basics: Tips to Get You Started...

Dove Hunting Basics: Tips to Get You Started

July 31, 2013
Nothing says it's time to begin hunting season like a good dove shoot. When the birds and the lead are flying, there's nothing quite like it.        Although dove hunting is one of the simplest…