hiking tips

News & Tips: How to Section Hike to Conquer Long Trails You Normally Couldn’t...

How to Section Hike to Conquer Long Trails You Normally Couldn’t

July 4, 2014
Regarding life in general, most of us struggle to find time to do the things we truly enjoy. Hikers of all ranges commonly wish for more trail time. And for the many of those hikers, the big trails…
News & Tips: Are You Tying Your Boot Laces Wrong?

Are You Tying Your Boot Laces Wrong?

June 27, 2014
    Whether you're a hiker or a hunter, chances are you're wearing boots. But there's nothing worse than getting blisters on your feet after a long day trekking across fields or along trails. The…
News & Tips: 4 Tips to Buying the Right Hunting Boot and Shoe Size (video)...

4 Tips to Buying the Right Hunting Boot and Shoe Size (video)

June 26, 2014
  Blisters will ruin a good day in the field or on the trail. While there are several ways to prevent blisters, sometimes it just comes down to the fit. Maybe your boots are too tight. Maybe they're…
News & Tips: Take Your Kids on Night Hikes & Open Whole New World to Hiking...

Take Your Kids on Night Hikes & Open Whole New World to Hiking

June 20, 2014
Several years ago, me, the wife and our two kids attended an organized night hike at a nearby arboretum. The kids were only in their single digit years but were no stranger to hiking. Most of their…
News & Tips: These Containers Make Staying Hydrated Easier Than Ever...

These Containers Make Staying Hydrated Easier Than Ever

May 28, 2014
Few things stimulate the senses and rejuvenate the body like quenching your thirst with big gulp of cool water in the great outdoors. Staying hydrated is important, especially in extreme temperatures…
News & Tips: 8 Types of Hikers: Which One Are You?

8 Types of Hikers: Which One Are You?

May 13, 2014
If you’re a hiker, you've already set yourself apart from the hoards of people that never leave the parking lot. But even among those who love to cover miles of trail there is a lot of diversity of…
News & Tips: Trash Management on the Trail

Trash Management on the Trail

May 2, 2014
Maneuvering along a hiking trail and "in the zone" with the natural surroundings can be quickly interrupted by a small piece of trash left by humans. Such a little piece of evidence of…
News & Tips: The Importance of Water Treatment

The Importance of Water Treatment

March 28, 2014
We've all been guilty of taking a sip of water from a clear-as-can-be stream while wading for trout, splashing lake water on the face after a long hike or taking a cannonball off the end of a buddy's…
News & Tips: The 7 Principles of Leave No Trace (video)...

The 7 Principles of Leave No Trace (video)

March 28, 2014
The thrill of the hunt. The peace and quiet of a mountain hike. The priceless feeling when you take kids to fishing for the first time. None of the above can exist in the future without conservation…
News & Tips: Why You Should Eat More Food and Drink More Water During Winter Hikes...

Why You Should Eat More Food and Drink More Water During Winter Hikes

March 14, 2014
When you’re hiking through the cold and snow of winter, it’s easy to remain in your summer-hiking mindset. Sure, you’ll stop for a drink of water and maybe consume a PowerBar every now and again…
News & Tips: 5 Ways to Organize Gear in Your Daypack...

5 Ways to Organize Gear in Your Daypack

March 14, 2014
If you're a gear junkie like me, you know that rummaging through your daypack is part of the game. Although, a bit of organization of gear, including the dedication of specific pockets or pouches per…
News & Tips: Fixed Blade Knives a Must for Hikers

Fixed Blade Knives a Must for Hikers

March 7, 2014
A few decades ago, a specific knife style became popular for not only avid outdoorsmen and women, but also for thousands of youngsters and adults interested in a survival tool — the survival knife.…